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[英]Template class extending from non-template base class and overriding function parameters

I am trying to create a non-template base class for the PacketDecoder so I can store Base* in a std::map. 我正在尝试为PacketDecoder创建一个非模板基类,因此我可以将Base *存储在std :: map中。 The decode function is being overridden properly. 解码功能正在被正确覆盖。 The encode function is giving me this error "'encode' is not virtual and cannot be declared pure". 编码功能给我这个错误“'编码'不是虚拟的,不能声明为纯”。 I might be thinking about this problem wrong coming from a Java background. 我可能会考虑来自Java背景的这个问题。 Is there a more idiomatic c++ approach to this problem? 是否有更惯用的c ++方法解决这个问题?

class Base {
    virtual Packet* decode(folly::io::Cursor& cursor) = 0;
    virtual void encode(Packet* packet) = 0;

template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Packet, T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
class PacketDecoder : public Base {
    virtual T* decode(folly::io::Cursor& cursor) = 0;
    virtual void encode(T *packet) = 0;

Example usage: 用法示例:

class TestDecoder : public PacketDecoder<ProxyJoinPacket> {
    ProxyJoinPacket *decode(folly::io::Cursor &cursor) override {
        uint32_t stringLength;
        if (!cursor.tryReadBE<uint32_t>(stringLength)) {
            throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read string length");

        if (cursor.length() < stringLength) {
            throw std::runtime_error("Too few bytes for string");

        auto uuid = cursor.readFixedString(stringLength);
        return new ProxyJoinPacket(uuid);

    void encode(ProxyJoinPacket *packet) override {



std::vector<Base*> decoders;
void a() {
    decoders.insert(new TestDecoder()); // error "Allocating an object of abstract class type 'TestDecoder'"

The issue is that your original class has this virtual function: 问题是你的原始类有这个虚函数:

virtual void encode(Packet* packet) = 0;

Then your inherited class has this: 然后你继承的类有这个:

virtual void encode(T *packet) = 0;

That's two different virtual functions. 这是两个不同的虚拟功能。

So when you do: 所以当你这样做时:

void encode(ProxyJoinPacket *packet) override {

You only override the method int he inherited class, not in Base , which is still missing. 您只覆盖继承类的方法int,而不是Base ,它仍然缺失。

So change your inherited class to use Packet 因此,更改继承的类以使用Packet

virtual void encode(Packet* packet) = 0;

You can also change your inherited class and add something like: 您还可以更改继承的类并添加如下内容:

void encode(Packet* packet) final {
    encode(dynamic_cast<T*> packet);

Don't forget the virtual destructors as well... 不要忘记虚拟析构函数......

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