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React Router v4-在同一路径上渲染两个组件

[英]React router v4 - Rendering two components on same route

I have these routes 我有这些路线

 <Route exact path={`/admin/caters/:id`} component={Cater} />
 <Route exact path={'/admin/caters/create'} component={CreateCater} />

When I navigate to the first route I get a cater with a given ID. 当我导航到第一条路线时,将获得具有给定ID的餐饮服务。 And the Cater component is rendered 餐饮组件被渲染

When I navigate to the second route, the CreateCater component is rendered on the page, but I noticed that some redux actions that are used in the Cater component are being run. 当我导航到第二条路线时,页面上将呈现CreateCater组件,但是我注意到正在运行Cater组件中使用的某些redux操作。 So both component are somehow being rendered - but I can't figure out why. 所以这两个组件都以某种方式被渲染-但是我不知道为什么。

Here are the components: 以下是组件:

Cater: 迎合:

class Cater extends Component {

  async componentDidMount() {
        console.log('Cater component did mount')
        const { match: { params: { id }}} = this.props

    render() {
        const { cater } = this.props
        if(!cater) {
            return null
        else {
            return (
                   ... component data ...

const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
    const { match: { params: { id }}} = props
    return {
        cater: caterSelectors.get(state, id)

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, props) => {
    return {
        get: (id) => dispatch(caterActions.get(id))

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Cater)

CreateCater: CreateCater:

export default class CreateCaterPage extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <Breadcrumbs />
                <CaterForm />

When I go to /admin/caters/create' I can see the console.log in the componenDidMount() lifecycle method inside the Cater component. 当我转到/ admin / caters / create'时,可以在Cater组件内的componenDidMount()生命周期方法中看到console.log。

I cant figure out what I am doing wrong :( 我不知道我在做什么错了:(

/create matches /:id , so it makes sense that this route matches. /create匹配/:id ,因此该路由匹配是有意义的。 I recommend forcing :id to look for numeric only: 我建议强制:id只查找数字:

<Route exact path={`/admin/caters/:id(\\d+)`} component={Cater} />
<Route exact path={'/admin/caters/create'} component={CreateCater} />

Likewise, you can follow @jabsatz's recommendation, use a switch, and have it match the first route that matches. 同样,您可以遵循@jabsatz的建议,使用开关,并使其与匹配的第一条路线匹配。 In this case, you would need to ensure that the /admin/caters/create route is the first <Route /> element matched. 在这种情况下,您需要确保/admin/caters/create路由是第一个匹配的<Route />元素。

The problem is that :id is matching with create (so, it thinks "see cater with id create "). 问题在于:idcreate匹配(因此,它认为“请参见id为create饮食”)。 The way to solve this is to put the wildcard matching route last, and wrapping all the <Routes/> with a <Switch/> , so it only renders the first hit. 解决此问题的方法是将通配符匹配路由放在最后,并用<Switch/>包裹所有<Routes/> <Switch/> ,因此它仅呈现第一个匹配项。

Check out the docs if you have any more questions: https://reacttraining.com/react-router/core/api/Switch 如果您还有其他问题,请查看文档: https : //reacttraining.com/react-router/core/api/Switch

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