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尝试在 python 中做一个数学测验

[英]Trying to do a math quiz in python

I am trying to make a math quiz on python, and I am trying not to use random.我正在尝试在 python 上进行数学测验,并且我试图不使用随机。 When I set user input to the answer of the problem and then try to run it, it says its wrong.当我将用户输入设置为问题的答案然后尝试运行它时,它说它错了。 Why?为什么? Here is apart of my code.这是我的代码的一部分。 When I answer '78' correctly, it says sorry that is not right.当我正确回答“78”时,它会说对不起,这是不对的。

def problem1():
    raw_input('36 + 42 = ')
    if input == '78':
        print('Sorry that is not right.')

You're calling raw_input , but not saving its returned string, which is the user's input.您正在调用raw_input ,但没有保存其返回的字符串,这是用户的输入。 Then you're comparing the existing input function against "78" which will never be correct.然后您将现有的input函数与永远不会正确的"78"进行比较。

Just save the users input properly then use it in the comparison:只需正确保存用户输入,然后在比较中使用它:

inp = raw_input('36 + 42 = ')
if inp == '78':

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