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[英]Open spreadsheet by name or create new spreadsheet if none is found

I'm using the Google sheets API and Nodejs to append values to a spreadsheet. 我正在使用Google表格APINodejs将值附加到电子表格。 However, i would like to get the spreadsheet ID by the spreadsheet's name, or create a new spreadsheet if none is found. 但是,我想通过电子表格的名称获取电子表格ID,如果找不到,则创建一个新的电子表格。 To be clear, what i mean is what IFTTT does with it's Append to Spreadsheet action. 明确地说,我的意思是IFTTT的“附加到电子表格”操作。 I cannot know the spreadsheet ID beforehand. 我无法事先知道电子表格ID。


Assuming you already know how to authenticate with googleapis , here is a minimal example how to query the Drive API to search for spreadsheets with a specific name and using the Sheets API to create if there is none. 假设您已经知道如何使用googleapis进行身份验证,这是一个最小的示例,该示例如何查询Drive API以搜索具有特定名称的电子表格,以及如何使用Sheets API创建电子表格。

// auth is google.auth.OAuth2()
const sheets = google.sheets({version: 'v4', auth})
const drive = google.drive({version: 'v3', auth})

var fileName = 'yourSpreadSheetName'
var mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'

    q: `mimeType='${mimeType}' and name='${fileName}'`,
    fields: 'files(id, name)'
}, (err, res) => {
    if (err) return console.log('drive files error: ' + err)
    const files = res.data.files
    if (files.length) {

        // There is an existing spreadsheet(s) with the same filename
        // The spreadsheet Id will be in files[x].id
        console.log(`found spreadsheet with id: ${files[0].id}`)

    } else {

        // Create spreadsheet with filename ${fileName}
            resource: {
                properties: { title: fileName }},
            fields: 'spreadsheetId'
        }, (err, spreadsheet) => {
            if (err) return console.log('spreadsheets create error: ' + err)
            // The spreadsheet Id will be in ${spreadsheet.data.spreadsheetId}
            console.log(`created spreadsheet with id: ${spreadsheet.data.spreadsheetId}`)

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