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[英]Problem with Fortran substring comparison of different length

I am reading stdin in a loop and do some comparaison with a bunch of "if" to decide what to do according to the input.我正在循环读取 stdin 并与一堆“if”进行比较,以根据输入决定要做什么。

Here is a shortened snippet of the code :这是代码的缩短片段:

CHARACTER (len= :), allocatable :: input
CHARACTER (len=4096) :: inbuffer            ! frustrating but... well, fortran :3


    ! get input
    READ(*, '(a)') inbuffer     ! because apparently you can't have allocation on read so you can't just read "input". meh.
    input = TRIM(inbuffer)
    CALL debug_log(input)

    IF(input .EQ. 'uci') THEN
        CALL debug_log("   printing uci info")

    ELSE IF(input .EQ. 'isready') THEN
        CALL debug_log("   isready -> readyok")
        WRITE(*, '(a)') "readyok"

    ELSE IF(input .EQ. 'ucinewgame') THEN
        CALL debug_log("not implemented : reset board and start a new game")

    ELSE IF(input(1:8) .EQ. 'position') THEN
        CALL debug_log("not implemented : set position")

    !quit -> exit main loop
    ELSE IF(input .EQ. 'quit') THEN
        CALL debug_log("   quit command issued, exiting main loop")

    !non uci command
        !nothing yet

    !unknown command
        CALL debug_log("   ignoring invalid command")
    END IF

end do

The input will expect command like "position 123 23415 etc..."输入将期望像“位置 123 23415 等...”这样的命令

If I type "posi" it's say it's an invalid command as expected.如果我键入“posi”,则表示它是预期的无效命令。

If I type "position" it say it's not implemented as expected too.如果我输入“位置”,它表示它也没有按预期实现。

However :但是

  • If I type "position": I get not implemented如果我输入“位置”:我没有实现
  • Followed by "posi": it says "not implemented" instead of "invalid command"后跟“posi”:它说“未实现”而不是“无效命令”

My guess is that it read 8 character even if the input is only 4 and since the previous command was "position" it make posi + tion = position我的猜测是,即使输入只有 4 个字符,它也会读取 8 个字符,并且由于上一个命令是“位置”,它使位置 + tion = 位置

Here is some log to demonstrate:下面是一些日志来演示:

** opening debug file : 20181111 / 223418.127
223418.127 : Initializing Fortiche engine
223418.129 : Entering main loop
223420.859 : posi
223420.859 :    ignoring invalid command
223426.467 : xxxxtion
223426.467 :    ignoring invalid command
223430.498 : posi
223430.498 : not implemented : set position
223437.323 : xxxxxxxxx
223437.323 :    ignoring invalid command
223439.418 : posi
223439.418 :    ignoring invalid command
223443.979 : position
223443.979 : not implemented : set position
223447.122 : quit
223447.122 :    quit command issued, exiting main loop
223447.122 : closing, bye

xxxxtion + posi = position xxxxtion + posi = 位置

Which is clearly wrong but I can understand how it ended up like this.这显然是错误的,但我可以理解它是如何结束的。

Should I use something other than .EQ.?我应该使用 .EQ. 以外的其他东西吗? When I print the input it clearly doesn't print the input + whatever garbage was left behind in memory.当我打印输入时,它显然不会打印输入+内存中留下的任何垃圾。 But it's doing it when comparing string of possibly different length.但是它在比较可能不同长度的字符串时会这样做。

What can I do to solve this problem?我能做些什么来解决这个问题?

I'm not even started with the hardcore parsing and I already have a problem.我什至还没有开始进行核心解析,而且我已经遇到了问题。

I'm using GNU Fortran on Windows.我在 Windows 上使用 GNU Fortran。

Yes, it's UCI stuff as Universal Chess Interface.是的,它是作为通用国际象棋接口的 UCI 东西。

EDIT : Full source code : https://github.com/ker2x/fortiche (comment the dirty hack at line 107 & 108 to reproduce the problem)编辑:完整源代码: https : //github.com/ker2x/fortiche (评论第 107 和 108 行的脏黑客以重现问题)

Substring references need to have starting and ending positions that are within the limits of the string.子字符串引用需要具有在字符串限制内的开始和结束位置。

You don't defend against a string that has a length less than eight prior to the substring reference input(1:8) .eq. 'position'在子字符串引用input(1:8) .eq. 'position'之前,您不会防御长度小于 8 的字符串input(1:8) .eq. 'position' input(1:8) .eq. 'position' . input(1:8) .eq. 'position'

With input shorter than eight characters, your program is non-conforming, anything can then happen, where anything very reasonably includes the behaviour you see.如果输入少于八个字符,则您的程序不符合标准,然后任何事情都可能发生,其中任何事情都非常合理地包括您看到的行为。

Runtime debugging options may help to catch this programming error, depending on the capabilities of your compiler.运行时调试选项可能有助于捕获此编程错误,具体取决于编译器的功能。

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