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如何使用核心数据在iOS swift中保存和获取VideoURL?

[英]How to save and fetch VideoURL in iOS swift using core data?

I have a videoURL like file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/3C80B7F1-F0AA-4723-B7F5-E7AC5E71CA09/Documents/2018-Nov-12%2014:09:01output.mov 我有一个videoURL像file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/3C80B7F1-F0AA-4723-B7F5-E7AC5E71CA09/Documents/2018-Nov-12%2014:09:01output.mov

I am saving this videoURL by using below code as converting to DATA. 我通过使用以下代码将其转换为DATA来保存此videoURL。

let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext

let entity = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "Device", in: context)

let newEntity = NSManagedObject(entity: entity!, insertInto: context)

self.videoData =  NSData(contentsOf: self.videoURL as URL)! as Data

newEntity.setValue(self.videoData, forKey:"videoURL")

do {

    try context.save()

} catch {
    print("not saved") 

but I am unable to converting this data to url while fetching. 但我无法在获取时将这些数据转换为url。 Could anyone guide me how to do this task? 谁能指导我如何完成这项任务?

You are saving the loaded video data, not the URL. 您正在保存加载的视频数据,而不是URL。

Set the type of the attribute videoURL to URI and the type of the corresponding property to URL and save self.videoURL 将属性videoURL的类型设置为URI ,将相应属性的类型设置为URL并保存self.videoURL

By the way, don't use NS classes like NSURL and NSData , use URL and Data and it's highly recommended to use dot notation rather than KVC (value(forKey:) when accessing NSManagedObject properties 顺便说一句,不要使用NSURLNSData类的NS类,而要使用URLData ,强烈建议在访问NSManagedObject属性时使用点表示法而不是KVC (value(forKey:)

let newEntity = NSManagedObject(entity: entity!, insertInto: context) as! Device
self.videoData = Data(contentsOf: self.videoURL)! 

newEntity.videoURL = self.videoURL

do { 
    try context.save()
} catch {

Sorry to say but this is wrong. 很抱歉,但这是错误的。 why do you want to convert URL to data? 为什么要将URL转换为数据? You just save URL as string then fetch this string and work with the URL 您只需将URL保存为字符串,然后获取此字符串并使用URL

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