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当使用列级搜索时,DT :: datatables()生成的html表显示显示异常(缺少字符)

[英]DT::datatables() generated html table shows display anomalies (missing characters) when column level search is used

I am trying to put interactive, sortable tables in html summaries produced by using rmarkdown::render from an R script. 我试图将交互式,可排序的表格放在通过R脚本使用rmarkdown :: render生成的html摘要中。 For producing tables I am using datatables() from DT package. 为了产生表,我使用了DT包中的datatables()。 Reports are generated fine and tables look pretty good, until you do a column level filter/search, after which display shows some funny problems. 报表生成良好,表格看起来也不错,直到您执行列级过滤器/搜索为止,然后显示会出现一些有趣的问题。 My question will become clearer with the following example. 通过以下示例,我的问题将变得更加清楚。

#' ---
#' title: "Test"
#' author: test
#' output: 
#'   html_document:
#'     toc: true
#' ---

#' <style type="text/css">
#'   .main-container {
#'     max-width: 1200px;
#'     margin-left: auto;
#'     margin-right: auto;
#'   }
#' </style>

#' ### Test data

#+ setup, include=FALSE, echo=TRUE
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

#+ core_code, include=FALSE, echo=TRUE 
plants <- read.csv("https://vincentarelbundock.github.io/Rdatasets/csv/cluster/plantTraits.csv")
plants<- plants %>% 
  mutate( ID = paste0("ID_" , sprintf("%04d", 1:136)  )  ) %>%
  select(ID, X:unsp)

#+ test_table, echo = FALSE
datatable( plants ,
           extensions = c("Buttons" , "FixedColumns"),
           filter = 'top',
           options = list( autoWidth = TRUE , 
                           dom = 'Blftip',
                           pageLength = 100,
                           searchHighlight = TRUE,
                           buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'print'),
                           scrollX = TRUE,
                           fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 2)),
           class = c('compact cell-border stripe hover') ,
           rownames = FALSE) 

Produces the table (screenshot): 生成表(屏幕截图): 在此处输入图片说明

If I do a search for 048 in the ID column, it shows the right row, like this... 如果我在ID列中搜索048,它会显示右行,如下所示... 在此处输入图片说明

But then, if I cancel the filter, and bring all the rows back, rows have characters missing from ID column. 但是,如果我取消过滤器,然后将所有行带回,则ID列中的行缺少字符。 在此处输入图片说明

This would happen to any column that I search, or any other data. 我搜索的任何列或任何其他数据都会发生这种情况。 It does not happen if I use the main search box (at right side top corner). 如果使用主搜索框(位于右上角),则不会发生这种情况。 I am running RStudio(Version 1.1.463) on Mac(OS X 10.11.6) but I have tested the produced html file on Chrome, Safari, and RStudio inbuilt browser on Mac; 我在Mac(OS X 10.11.6)上运行RStudio(版本1.1.463),但已在Mac上的Chrome,Safari和RStudio内置浏览器中测试了生成的html文件; and Chrome and IE on Win7. 以及Win7上的Chrome和IE。 Any clues about how to address this? 关于如何解决这个问题的任何线索?

This is not really a solution, but more of circumventing the problem. 这并不是真正的解决方案,而是更多的规避问题。 Since there were no suggestions, I starting disabling all the options I was using and it turns out that it was the highlight search results that was causing the issue. 由于没有任何建议,因此我开始禁用所有正在使用的选项,事实证明,正是突出显示的搜索结果导致了问题。 So if I do: 因此,如果我这样做:

#+ test_table, echo = FALSE
datatable( plants ,
           extensions = c("Buttons" , "FixedColumns"),
           filter = 'top',
           options = list( autoWidth = TRUE , 
                           dom = 'Blftip',
                           pageLength = 100,
                           searchHighlight = FALSE,
                           buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'print'),
                           scrollX = TRUE,
                           fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 2)),
           class = c('compact cell-border stripe hover') ,
           rownames = FALSE) 

It works fine now. 现在工作正常。

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