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[英]Correctly importing CSV File into Neo4j database

I am currently trying to import a csv file into neo4j. 我目前正在尝试将csv文件导入neo4j。 Now for example lets see the following file: 现在以例如下面的文件为例:


Now what I am trying is to import those lines so that nodes 1 and 2 will be connected, while identical nodes only exist once. 现在,我正在尝试导入这些行,以便将节点1和2连接起来,而相同的节点仅存在一次。 So I guess I will need to do the MERGE command which seems to work with the following CQL Request: 所以我想我需要执行MERGE命令,该命令似乎可以与以下CQL请求一起使用:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///test_text.csv" AS line 
   MERGE (u :word { value: line.node1 }) 
   MERGE (h :word { value: line.node2 }) 
   MERGE (u)-[t :digram]->(h)

Now I want to achieve, that connections between 2 nodes, which occur multiple times in my csv file (like value1 to value 2 in the example above) are represented by an attribute "count" in the corresponding connection. 现在,我要实现的是,两个csv文件中多次出现的节点之间的连接(如上例中的value1到value 2)由相应连接中的属性“ count”表示。 So the connection between value1 and value2 has a attribute count=2. 因此,value1和value2之间的连接具有一个属性count = 2。

I have tried to do that by appending the following line: 我试图通过添加以下行来做到这一点:

ON MERGE SET t.count = t.count + 1 ON CREATE SET t.count = 1

But that throws a syntax error. 但这会引发语法错误。 I am kind of lost at the moment and I am hoping you guys could help. 我现在有点迷路,希望你们能提供帮助。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

这里只是一个小错误,它是ON MATCH SET ,而不是ON MERGE SET

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