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[英]What is the difference between statsd client and the statsd daemon?

I have an application that I wish to monitor graphically. 我有一个希望以图形方式监视的应用程序。

I am using this StatsD client. 我正在使用 StatsD客户端。 I am using Graphite as the backend. 我正在使用Graphite作为后端。 I have a question about the basic workflow: 我对基本工作流程有疑问:

We use the StatsD client in order to include metrics within our application. 我们使用StatsD客户端,以便在我们的应用程序中包含指标。 These metrics are then sent in the form of UDP packets (usually). 然后,这些度量通常以UDP数据包的形式发送。 Graphite (specifically Carbon within Graphite) captures these packets and stores them in the Whisper database as time-series data. 石墨(特别是石墨中的 )捕获这些数据包,并将它们作为时间序列数据存储在Whisper数据库中。

What exactly then, is the role of the StatsD daemon? 那么, StatsD守护程序的作用到底是什么? I have written a working application using only the StatsD client and Graphite. 我仅使用StatsD客户端和Graphite编写了可运行的应用程序。 Where am I missing the usage of StatsD daemon? 我在哪里缺少StatsD守护程序的用法?

Had the same question, so I'm going to answer it here even thogh the post is 7 months old. 曾经有同样的问题,所以即使该职位已成立7个月,我也将在这里回答。

From what I could gather (as explained here ), a StatsD Deamon is synonymous to a StatsD Server. 据我所知(如此处所述 ),StatsD守护进程是StatsD服务器的同义词。 In your case, it's Carbon/Graphite or maybe a StatsD specific component within your Graphite Stack. 在您的情况下,它是碳/石墨或石墨堆栈中特定于StatsD的组件。

In my company, for instance, we use the StatsD Beats Daemon within the ELK-Stack. 例如,在我公司中,我们在ELK-Stack中使用StatsD Beats守护程序。

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