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[英]How to use Mockito to mock a request in Jersey client?

I have a class to post POJO to an external API. 我有一个将POJO发布到外部API的类。 I want to test this method. 我想测试这种方法。

public int sendRequest(Event event) {

   Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
   WebTarget baseTarget = client.target(some url);
   Invocation.Builder builder = baseTarget.request();
   Response response = builder.post(Entity.entity(event, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
   int statusCode = response.getStatus();
   String type = response.getHeaderString("Content-Type");

  if (Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL == Status.Family.familyOf(statusCode)) {
        m_log.debug("The event was successfully processed by t API %s", event);

  else if (Status.Family.CLIENT_ERROR == Status.Family.familyOf(statusCode)) {
      m_log.error("Status code : <%s> The request was not successfully processed by API. %s", statusCode, event);

  return statusCode;

I wrote a unit test like this 我写了这样的单元测试

  public void sendRequest_postAuditEvent_returnOK() {
  int statusCode = EventProcessor.sendRequest(event);
  assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), statusCode);

But this will send a real request to the API. 但这会向API发送真正的请求。 I am new to Mockito. 我是Mockito的新手。 Can anyone help me how to mock this request? 谁能帮我如何模拟这个要求?

Edit: 编辑:

@Mock Client m_client;
@Mock WebTarget m_webTarget;
@Mock Invocation.Builder m_builder;
@Mock Response m_response;

public void sendRequest_postAuditEvent_returnOK() {
  when(m_builder.post(Entity.entity(m_AuditEvent, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))).thenReturn(m_response);
  assertEquals(Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode(), m_AuditEventProcessor.sendRequest(m_AuditEvent));

I try to mock the methods but it doesn't work. 我尝试模拟方法,但是不起作用。 Still call the real method. 仍然调用真正的方法。

Ideally, the class should take a Client in its constructor so you could replace the real client instance with a mock when testing it. 理想情况下,该类应在其构造函数中使用Client ,以便在测试它时可以用模拟代替真实的客户端实例。

class EventProcessor {
    private Client client;

    public EventProcessor(Client client) {
        this.client = client;

    public int sendRequest(Event event) {
        WebTarget baseTarget = client.target(some url);

You can use powerMockito like this post Mocking static methods with Mockito 您可以像本文中那样使用powerMockito与Mockito模拟静态方法

If you can mock this returned object ClientBuilder.newClient() you can mock all the other objects in the call chain. 如果可以模拟此返回的对象ClientBuilder.newClient(),则可以模拟调用链中的所有其他对象。

BDDMockito.given(ClientBuilder.newClient(...)).willReturn([a Mockito.mock()...]);

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