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[英]java- Full text inverted index defining a word

I am working on a simple full text inverted index trying to build an index of words that I extract from PDF files. 我正在研究一个简单的全文本倒排索引,试图建立从PDF文件中提取的单词索引。 I am using PDFBox library to achieve this. 我正在使用PDFBox库来实现此目的。

However, I would like to know how does one define a definition of word to index.The way my indexing works is define every word with a space is a word token. 但是,我想知道如何定义要索引的单词的定义。我的索引工作方式是用空格定义每个单词都是单词标记。 For example, 例如,

This string, is a code.

In this case: the index table would contain 在这种情况下:索引表将包含


The flaw here is for like string, , it comes with a comma where I think string would just be sufficient enough because nobody searches string, or code. 这里的缺陷是string,它带有一个逗号,我认为string就足够了,因为没有人搜索string,code.

Back to my question, is there a specific rule there I could use to define my word token in a way to prevent this kind of issue with what I have ? 回到我的问题,我是否可以使用特定的规则来定义我的单词标记,以防止我所拥有的此类问题?

Code: 码:

File folder = new File("D:\\PDF1");
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();

for (File file : listOfFiles) {
   if (file.isFile()) {
      HashSet<String> uniqueWords = new HashSet<>();
      String path = "D:\\PDF1\\" + file.getName();
      try (PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(new File(path))) {    
          if (!document.isEncrypted()) {    
             PDFTextStripper tStripper = new PDFTextStripper();
             String pdfFileInText = tStripper.getText(document);
             String lines[] = pdfFileInText.split("\\r?\\n");
             for(String line : lines) {
                String[] words = line.split(" ");    
                for (String word : words) {

       } catch (IOException e) {
         System.err.println("Exception while trying to read pdf document - " + e);

If you wanted to remove all punctuation you could do: 如果要删除所有标点符号,可以执行以下操作:

for(String word : words) {
    uniqueWords.add(word.replaceAll("[.,!?]", ""));

Which will replace all periods, commas, exclamation marks, and question marks. 它将替换所有的句号,逗号,感叹号和问号。

If you also want to get rid of quotes you can do: 如果您还想摆脱引号,可以执行以下操作:

uniqueWords.add(word.replaceAll("[.,?!\"]", "")

Yes. 是。 You can use replaceAll method to get rid of non-word characters like this: 您可以使用replaceAll方法来摆脱非单词字符,如下所示:

uniqueWords.add(word.replaceAll("([\\W]+$)|(^[\\W]+)", "")); 

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