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[英]sumifs syntax for multiple conditions incorrect

I'm currently working from two worksheets, a main data sheet titled 'Equities' which details the stock trading data undertaken on a daily basis. 我目前正在使用两个工作表,一个名为“ Equities”的主要数据表,其中详细列出了每天进行的股票交易数据。 I've attached a screenshot of the column labels below for this worksheet. 我已经为该工作表附上了下面列标签的屏幕快照。


I have a monthly commission worksheet which draws information from the equities sheet using sumifs to return results to a relevant date range. 我有一个每月的佣金工作表,该表使用sumifs从股票表中获取信息,以将结果返回到相关的日期范围。 I've attached the column labels screenshot below and the date column to show how it is categorised. 我已在下面附加了列标签屏幕截图和日期列,以显示其分类方式。




The above sumif returns an accurate result for the gross revenue USD column on the monthly commission worksheet. 上面的sumif返回每月佣金工作表上“总收入美元”列的准确结果。 I have tried to adjust the sumif by adding an additional criteria so as to have monthly figures for Trader 1, 2, 3 etc. 我试图通过添加其他条件来调整总和,以便获得交易员1、2、3等的月度数字。

=SUMIFS(Equities!$N:$N, Equities!$L:$L, Monthly Commission!$C1, Equities!$A:$A,">=1/10/2018",Equities!$A:$A,"<=31/10/2018"

The SUMIF above is the one I've edited to include the trader as an additional criteria. 上面的SUMIF是我编辑的,以将交易者作为附加条件。 However, it has not worked and returns a 0 value, and also prompts me to open a file. 但是,它没有用,返回0值,并提示我打开文件。 I'm not sure where the error is in the syntax or composition of the sumif, so any advice on how to correct it would be greatly appreciated. 我不确定sumif的语法或组成在哪里,因此,任何有关如何纠正它的建议将不胜感激。


=SUMIFS(Equities!$N:$N, Equities!$L:$L, 'Monthly Commission'!$C1, Equities!$A:$A,">=1/10/2018",Equities!$A:$A,"<=31/10/2018")


=SUMIFS(Equities!$L:$L, Equities!$N:$N, 'Monthly Commission'!$C1, Equities!$A:$A,">=1/10/2018",Equities!$A:$A,"<=31/10/2018")

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