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[英]React: select event in div with multiple span elements

I have a React component with parsed text: 我有一个带有解析文本的React组件:

The html structure is like: html结构类似于:

    <span>It's a </span>
    <span className="highlight-text">cat</span>

How I can have a event listener which enable I pass all selected text within this div? 我如何拥有一个事件侦听器,使我可以在此div中传递所有选定的文本? For example, if I select "a ca", the event listener can get e.target.value = "a ca". 例如,如果我选择“ ca”,则事件侦听器可以获取e.target.value =“ ca”。

It is possible the highlight part will be repeating within the full text, for example: 高亮部分可能会在全文中重复,例如:

    <span>It's a slim cat, not a fat </span>
    <span className="highlight-text">cat</span>

In this case, the selection listener will get 2nd part string, start position of whole text. 在这种情况下,选择侦听器将获得第二部分字符串,即整个文本的开始位置。


This is the first thing that comes to mind. 这是想到的第一件事。

// Example impl
<Component text="This is a cat" highlight="is a" />

// Component render
render() {
    const {
    } = this.props;
    // Returns the start index for your high light string
    // in our example 'is a' starts at index 5
    const startHighlightTextIdx = text.search(highlight);

    // Create a substring for the first part of the string
    // ie: 'This is '
    const startText = text.substring(0, startHighlightTextIdx);

    // Create a substring for the last part of the string
    // For this substr we want to start where our startHighlightTextIdx starts 
    // and we want to add the length of the highlighted string
    // in order to ignore the highlighted string
    // ie: start at index 5 + 4 (highlight text length) so substr(9) to end
    const endText = text.substring(
        startHighlightTextIdx + highlight.length,
        <span className="highlight-text">{highlight}</span>

// This might be a cleaner solution
// explode by the hightlight string and grab index 0 and last
// this outputs ["This ", " cat"]
const textParts = text.split(highlight);
const startText = textParts[0];
const endText = textParts[1];

I got one answer myself, in order to get the selected text, I can just use window.getSelection(). 我自己得到了一个答案,为了获得所选文本,我可以只使用window.getSelection()。

But not sure if there's a risk 但不确定是否有风险

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