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如何在Java Singleton枚举构造函数中调用方法?

[英]How to call methods within Java Singleton enum constructor?

My sample enum Singleton class is: 我的示例枚举Singleton类是:

public class Test{

    public enum MyClass{


        private static String name = "Hello";

        MyClass() {

        private static void test(){
            name = name + "World";

    public static void main(String a[]){

        MyClass m1 = MyClass.INSTANCE; 


Obtained output : nullWorld 获得的输出:nullWorld
Expected output : HelloWorld 预期输出:HelloWorld

In main(), if 在main()中,if

MyClass m1 = MyClass.INSTANCE;

is replaced by 被替换为


then, the output is HelloWorld, as expected. 然后,输出是HelloWorld,正如预期的那样。

This shows that static fields are not initialized until the constructor has completed execution. 这表明在构造函数完成执行之前,不会初始化静态字段。

Question : How to achieve this functionality of calling a method within constructor that accesses static fields? 问题:如何实现在访问静态字段的构造函数中调用方法的这种功能?

This is because INSTANCE is declared before name , so it is created and initalized before name is initialized. 这是因为在name之前声明了INSTANCE ,因此在初始化name之前创建它并初始化。

This works: 这有效:

public enum MyClass{
    private static final String name = "Hello";

    MyClass() {

    private static void test(){
        String name1 = name + "World";

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