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[英]Importing files in a different directory [PYTHON]

Say I have an example project with the following structure: 说我有一个具有以下结构的示例项目:

    -venv (dir)
    -myPythonFiles (dir)

I want to import the file helloworld.py - I know I have to add the directory myPythonFiles to the interpreter path which I can do easily, but how do I push those changes to git so others don't have to manually add it to their paths? 我想导入文件helloworld.py-我知道我必须将目录myPythonFiles添加到我可以轻松完成的解释器路径中,但是如何将这些更改推送到git,这样其他人就不必手动将其添加到路径?


from myPythonFiles import helloworld

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