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[英]Typescript syntax

I'm new to TypeScript, and working one of my company's repos that uses it heavily. 我是TypeScript的新手,正在使用公司大量使用它的公司回购协议之一。 (We're building a React/Redux app.) I'm familiar with the basic concept of TypeScript Generics, but a particular bit of syntax is befuddling. (我们正在构建一个React / Redux应用程序。)我熟悉TypeScript泛型的基本概念,但是语法上有一点点令人困惑。 Here's an example of the code in question (it's in a reducer): 这是有问题的代码的示例(在简化程序中):

interface EntityState<Entity> {
  entity?: Entity;
  status: ApiStatus; // enum

interface FieldSummary {
    dataType?: string;
    // other properties...

function singleField(state: EntityState<FieldSummary> = defaultEntityState, 
  action: ActionTypes) {...}

Would someone be able to explain what EntityState<FieldSummary> is doing? 有人能够解释EntityState<FieldSummary>在做什么吗? If further details are needed just let me know. 如果需要更多详细信息,请告诉我。

It's an example of a generic type argument. 这是泛型类型参数的示例。

interface EntityState<Entity> {
  entity?: Entity;
  status: ApiStatus;

The interface will contain an optional entity? 该接口将包含一个可选entity? of a type to be defined later. 类型,稍后再定义。 For now, it has been called Entity . 目前,它被称为Entity

When you use this interface, you supply the type, thus: 使用此接口时,请提供类型,从而:

const stringEntity: EntityState<string>;

The property stringEntity.entity will either be a string or undefined (given it is optional). 属性stringEntity.entity可以是string也可以是undefined (假设它是可选的)。

const numEntity: EntityState<number>;

The property numEntity.entity will either be a number or undefined . numEntity.entity属性将是numberundefined

And so on. 等等。 The type argument you supply when you use the interface can be any type that satisfies any constraints - in your case, the type parameter is unconstrained. 使用接口时提供的type参数可以是满足任何约束的任何类型-在您的情况下,type参数不受约束。 It means you can re-use an interface because the type is defined later. 这意味着您可以重用接口,因为类型是在以后定义的。

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