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[英]How do I copy the data from one Excel file of multiple sheets to another Excel file of multiple sheets

I have one excel file of multiple sheets with column names and values and sheetnames. 我有一个包含多个工作表的Excel文件,其中包含列名,值和工作表名。
I have another excel file of multiple sheets with column names and sheet names. 我还有另一个具有列名称和工作表名称的多个工作表的excel文件。
I want to copy the data (column values) from one excel to another excel without changing the sheetnames, since the sheetnames are different, but the column names are same. 我想在不更改工作表名称的情况下将数据(列值)从一个Excel复制到另一个Excel,因为工作表名称不同,但是列名称相同。
Pleased to hear some suggestions. 很高兴听到一些建议。

My suggestion is to define functions in separate modules but here I defined 2 functions in the main module (activating of workbook and worksheet) for simplicity. 我的建议是在单独的模块中定义功能,但在这里我为简单起见在主模块中定义了2个功能(激活工作簿和工作表)。 The macro is on separate excel file (Macro.xlsm). 该宏位于单独的Excel文件(Macro.xlsm)中。 There are two excel files (Book1.xlsx & Book2.xlsx) included in the same location. 同一位置中包含两个Excel文件(Book1.xlsx和Book2.xlsx)。


I tried to answer generally with this example so it can be extended for many workbooks and worksheets. 我试图用这个例子来回答,所以可以扩展到许多工作簿和工作表。


Book2.xlsx before running the macro. 运行宏之前,先执行Book2.xlsx。


Book2.xlsx after running the macro. 运行宏后,Book2.xlsx。 The destination row was selected one row lower intentionally :-) 目的行被故意选择低了一行:-)


Option Explicit

Dim wb01 As Workbook, wb02 As Workbook
Public paTh01 As Variant, paTh02 As Variant

'/Define your functions
'Function1 openBook(paTh0, wB0)
Function openBook(path0 As Variant, wB0 As Workbook)
        Set wB0 = Workbooks.Open(path0)
End Function

'Function2 openSheet(wB0, "Sheet_Name")
Function openSheet(wB0 As Workbook, sheetName0 As String)
End Function

'Main Module
Sub main()

    paTh01 = "D:\Book1.xlsx"
    paTh02 = "D:\Book2.xlsx"

    With Application
        .DisplayAlerts = False
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    End With

    Call openBook(paTh01, wb01)
    Call openSheet(wb01, "mySheet1")
    With Selection
        .Orientation = 0
    End With

    'If you have a loop, you should put delay otherwise excel will crash
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))

    Call openBook(paTh02, wb02)
    Call openSheet(wb02, "mySheet2")
    Range("A3:D5").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, Transpose:=False

    wb01.Close savechanges:=False

    wb02.Close savechanges:=True

End Sub


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