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[英]Force git to push as locally configured user

I have two GitHub accounts that I am managing, let's say accountX and accountY In the beginning, I was using only one, so I had a global config with its username and email (accountX). 我管理着两个GitHub帐户,比方说accountXaccountY开始时,我只使用一个,所以我有一个全局配置及其用户名和电子邮件(accountX)。 Now I want to use the second one. 现在我要使用第二个。 I created a repo, I used git config to configure the username and email locally for this repo. 我创建了一个仓库,我使用git config在本地为该仓库配置用户名和电子邮件。

I made a commit, and git log shows a proper username and email (the ones configured locally, so the second account) under the commit. 我进行了提交,并且git log在提交下显示了正确的用户名和电子邮件(本地配置的用户名和电子邮件,因此是第二个帐户)。 Then I've added a repo address (created on this second account) and I wanted to git push . 然后,我添加了一个回购地址(在第二个帐户上创建),并且我想git push Unfortunately, I get the message, that accountX doesn't have the permissions to this repo (and it shouldn't), but why isn't it using the one I configured locally? 不幸的是,我收到一条消息,即accountX没有此accountX的权限(应该没有),但是为什么不使用我在本地配置的仓库呢? Is it because of my SSH key stored for the accountX ? 是因为我为accountX存储了SSH密钥吗? So I want to push via ssh and it uses a key generated way back in history for accountX ? 因此,我想通过ssh推送,它使用一个密钥生成的方式返回accountX历史记录?

Do you guys see my mistake here? 你们看到我的错了吗?

Using git config user.xxx commands is only for setting author and committer names, not for authentication. 使用git config user.xxx命令仅用于设置作者和提交者名称,而不用于身份验证。

For using the right account, you need to record a second SSH URL, using your second private key. 为了使用正确的帐户,您需要使用第二个私钥记录第二个SSH URL。

This is done through a ~/.ssh/config file. 这是通过~/.ssh/config文件完成的。

git remote add origin2 second
git push second master

With " second " being defined in the aforementioned ~/.ssh/config file. 在前面的~/.ssh/config文件中定义“ second ”。

Host second
   Hostname yourGitServer.com
   User git
   IdentityFile c:/path/to/your/second/private/key

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