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[英]Usage of ord('q') and 0xFF

I am not able to understand the following code snippet- 我无法理解以下代码段-

if cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

in this code- 在此代码中-

    1 import numpy as np
    2 import cv2
    4 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    6 while(True):
    7     # Capture frame-by-frame
    8     ret, frame = cap.read()
   10     # Our operations on the frame come here
   11     gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
   13     # Display the resulting frame
   14     cv2.imshow('frame',gray)
   15     if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
   16         break
   18 # When everything done, release the capture
   19 cap.release()
   20 cv2.destroyAllWindows()

What does ord('q') and 0xFF mean? ord('q')和0xFF是什么意思? How is it being used here? 在这里如何使用?

  • ord('q') returns the Unicode code point of q ord('q')返回ord('q')的Unicode代码点
  • cv2.waitkey(1) returns a 32-bit integer corresponding to the pressed key cv2.waitkey(1)返回与按下的键对应的32位整数
  • & 0xFF is a bit mask which sets the left 24 bits to zero, because ord() returns a value betwen 0 and 255, since your keyboard only has a limited character set & 0xFF是一个位掩码,可将剩余的24位设置为零,因为ord()返回的值介于0和255之间,因为您的键盘仅具有有限的字符集
  • Therefore, once the mask is applied, it is then possible to check if it is the corresponding key. 因此,一旦应用了遮罩,就可以检查它是否是相应的键。

As per the cv2.waitkey docs : 根据cv2.waitkey docs

It returns the code of the pressed key or -1 if no key was pressed before the specified time had elapsed. 它返回所按下键的代码;如果在经过指定时间之前未按下任何键,则返回-1。

Generally in the OpenCV tutorials and blogs, it is a general convention to use " q " key for halting any indefinite operation such as capturing frames from camera in your case. 通常,在OpenCV教程和博客中,使用“ q ”键停止任何不确定的操作(例如从您的情况下从摄像机捕获帧)是一种通用约定 In your case, the program indefinitely checks at each iteration if " q " key is being pressed using cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q') statement. 在您的情况下,程序将使用cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q')语句在每次迭代中无限期地检查是否按下了“ q ”键。 If True then it simply brakes the infinite while loop. 如果为True则它会制动无限的while循环。 You can set it to any key of your choice. 您可以将其设置为您选择的任何键。

First, cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF will be executed. 首先,将执行cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF

  • Doing wait 1 ms for user press. 等待1 毫秒以供用户按下。
  • If user press, for example, q then waitKey return DECIMAL VALUE of q is 113. In Binary , It is expressed as 0b01110001 . 如果用户按下,例如,Q然后waitKey返回DECIMAL VALUE Q的是113在二进制 ,它表示为0b01110001。
  • Next, AND operator is excuted with two inputs are 0b01110001 and 0xFF ( 0b11111111 ). 接下来, AND运算符被算作两个输入,分别是0b01110001和0xFF( 0b11111111 )。

0b01110001 AND 0b11111111 = 0b01110001 . 0b01110001 AND 0b11111111 = 0b01110001 Exactly result is DECIMAL VALUE of q 确切的结果是q的 DECIMAL VALUE

Second, compare value of left expression 0b01110001 with ord('q') . 其次,将左表达式0b01110001的值与ord('q') Clearly, these values is the same as another value. 显然,这些值与另一个值相同。 And final result is break is invoked. 最后的结果是break被调用。

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