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CUDA API版本和驱动程序版本是否始终相同

[英]Is the CUDA API version and driver version always the same

The CUDA version obtained from cuDriverGetVersion , and the API version from the macro CUDA_VERSION . cuDriverGetVersion获得的CUDA版本,以及从宏CUDA_VERSION获得的API版本。 Are they supposed to be always the same (assuming CUDA is correctly installed)? 它们是否应该始终相同(假设正确安装了CUDA)?

The CUDA_VERSION macro tells you which version of the CUDA API you are compiling your code against. CUDA_VERSION宏告诉您编译代码所依据的CUDA API版本。 cuDriverGetVersion() will tell you the most recent version of CUDA that the driver you're running with supports. cuDriverGetVersion()会告诉您正在运行的驱动程序支持的最新CUDA版本。 So no, they don't have to be the same. 所以不,它们不必相同。 For example, an application that was compiled for CUDA 9.x will run perfectly fine with a driver that supports CUDA 10… 例如,为CUDA 9.x编译的应用程序将使用支持CUDA 10的驱动程序完美运行。

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