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[英]how to empty search box on click event in wenzhixin bootstrap table without refresh page?

I want to empty search box. 我想清空搜索框。 when I click anywhere on a page then without refresh page I want to get an only empty search box in a wenzhixin bootstrap table 当我单击页面上的任意位置时没有刷新页面时,我想在wenzhixin引导表中获得一个唯一的空搜索框

 <table id="view_table" data-toggle="table" 
      data-page-list="[5, 10, 20]"
      data-show-pagination-switch="true" >
    <tr class="table-heading">
       <th data-field="image"><h4>Image</h4></th>
       <th data-field="name"><h4>Name</h4></th>


<button id="empty_search" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>
    $('#empty_search').on('click', function(){

Here is an example: http://jsfiddle.net/9ynp8j6k/1/ 这是一个示例: http : //jsfiddle.net/9ynp8j6k/1/

You can empty the form field like this: 您可以像这样清空表单字段:

$('#clear').on("click",function() {
    $('.bootstrap-table .form-control').val("");

When you click on the clear button so search box value reset and you search again new fresh data. 当您单击清除按钮时,搜索框值将重置,然后再次搜索新的新数据。

$('#clear').on("click",function() {

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