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[英]Changing Chrome account using Extension API

是否可以使用某些扩展程序API或其他Chrome API更改有效的Chrome用户Google帐户或使用其他Chrome用户帐户打开新窗口?

If you take a look at the API index for extensions , you'll see that nothing matches what you seek. 如果查看扩展API索引 ,您会发现没有任何东西与您想要的相匹配。

Probably closest is chrome.identity API , but while it allows you to query / listen to changes, you can't initiate a change yourself. 可能最接近的是chrome.identity API ,但是尽管它允许您查询/侦听更改,但您无法自己发起更改。

As for having windows with separate user accounts, I'm not sure Chrome even can do that (outside Incognito session). 至于是否拥有带有单独用户帐户的窗口,我不确定Chrome能否做到(在隐身会话之外)。

Can't quickly find any feature requests to that effect on crbug.com. 无法在crbug.com上快速找到任何功能请求。

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