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[英]How to replace a string in file on remote computer in Powershell?

I have a VM running Windows Server 2012.And some intended services on it. 我有一台运行Windows Server 2012的VM,上面有一些预期的服务。 I want to change a configuration file on this VM machine remotely from my desktop pc. 我想从台式机远程更改此VM计算机上的配置文件。 Currently I change this configuration file by mapping the C: drive of the remote server and then changing the file. 目前,我通过映射远程服务器的C:驱动器来更改此配置文件,然后更改该文件。 Now this blocks me from changing multiple servers as I can't map multiple server c: simultaneously to same drive. 现在这使我无法更改多个服务器,因为我无法将多个服务器c:同时映射到同一驱动器。 Also, mapping hundreds of drives wouldn't be ideal. 而且,映射数百个驱动器也不是理想的选择。 The way I am changing the file by mapping drive is: 我通过映射驱动器更改文件的方式是:

$password = <password text> | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$username = "admin"
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)
net use Z: \\$ipAddress\C$ <password> /user:admin type 'z:\Program Files\lalaland\Data\Settings.xml'

(Get-Content 'z:\Program Files\lalaland\Data\Settings.xml') | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $oldString, $newString } | Set-Content 'z:\Program Files\lalaland\Data\Settings.xml'
type 'z:\Program Files\lalaland\Data\Settings.xml'
net use z: /delete

Therefore I searched for a better option and found this script at https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/PowerShell-Replace-String-58fbfa85 but it doesn't work for me. 因此,我搜索了一个更好的选项,并在https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/PowerShell-Replace-String-58fbfa85中找到了此脚本,但它对我不起作用。

I am using this script as : 我使用此脚本为:

.\Replace-StringInFile.ps1 -ComputerName  <RemoteComputerHostName> -TargetPath 'C:\Program Files\lalaland\Data' -Fil

eName Settings.xml -Replace $oldString -ReplaceWith $newString -Credential (Get-Credential) eName Settings.xml-替换$ oldString -ReplaceWith $ newString-凭据(Get-Credential)

when I run the command credential window pops up asking for username and password. 当我运行命令凭据窗口时,会弹出询问用户名和密码的窗口。 I enter the username and password that I used for mapping the drive, but it throws the following error: 我输入用于映射驱动器的用户名和密码,但是会引发以下错误:

New-PSSession : [<RemoteHostName>] Connecting to remote server <RemoteHostName> failed with the following error message : The user name or password is incorrect. For more information, see the
about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
At D:\workspace\Replace-StringInFile.ps1:84 char:14
+ ...  $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Computer -Credential $Creden ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : OpenError: (System.Manageme....RemoteRunspace:RemoteRunspace) [New-PSSession], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : LogonFailure,PSSessionOpenFailed

what I don't understand is when I map the drive with the same credentials it works fine but using the other script, which internally uses New-PSSession doesn't work. 我不明白的是,当我使用相同的凭据映射驱动器时,它可以正常工作,但使用内部使用New-PSSession的其他脚本不起作用。

Any idea ? 任何想法 ?

I was able to do this using the following cmdlet: 我可以使用以下cmdlet执行此操作:

function Edit-RemoteFileStringReplace
  param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })][string]$Address,


  $DriveName = $Address.replace('.','x')
  $DriveName = "PSDrive_$DriveName"

  $DriveLetter = (Get-DriveLetterFromPath -Path $FilePath).Substring(0,1)
  $FilePathWithoutDriveLetter = Remove-DriveLetterFromPath -Path $FilePath
  $MappedFilePath="$DriveName" + ":$FilePathWithoutDriveLetter"

  New-PSDrive -Name $DriveName -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\$Address\$DriveLetter$ -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction Stop
  (Get-Content $MappedFilePath) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $Replace, $ReplaceWith } | Set-Content $MappedFilePath
  Remove-PSDrive -Name $DriveName

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