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[英]How to make a String replacement program without any for loop in java?

For Example :- 例如 :-

String str = "Hello How are u!"

Replacement character with each other. 彼此替换字符。

a one
e two
i three
o four
u five

OutPut 产量

Htwollfour Hfourw onertwo five!

How do I do that without any looping ? 我该怎么做而没有任何循环?

One way is to use a stream. 一种方法是使用流。 And a map: 和地图:

Map<Character, String> mapping = new HashMap<>();
mapping.put('a', "one");
mapping.put('e', "two");
mapping.put('i', "three");
mapping.put('o', "four");
mapping.put('u', "five");

String res = "Hello How are u!".chars()
        .mapToObj(ch -> mapping.getOrDefault((char) ch, 
                                  Character.toString((char) ch)))


And that prints Htwollfour Hfourw onertwo five! 然后打印Htwollfour Hfourw onertwo five!

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