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[英]find the shortest path between two points with obstacles

I need to find shortest path between two points in a grid given an obstacles. 我需要在给定障碍的网格中找到两点之间的最短路径。

Given a 2 dimensional matrix where some of the elements are filled with 1 and rest of the elements are filled. 给定一个二维矩阵,其中一些元素用1填充,其余元素被填充。 Here X means you cannot traverse to that particular points. 这里X意味着你不能遍历那个特定的点。 From a cell you can either traverse to left, right, up or down. 从单元格中,您可以向左,向右,向上或向下移动。 Given two points in the matrix find the shortest path between these points. 给定矩阵中的两个点找到这些点之间的最短路径。 Here S is the starting point and E is the Ending point. 这里S是起点,E是终点。

I came up with below code but I wanted to understand from the interview point of view what is the most efficient algorithm to solve this problem? 我想出了下面的代码,但我想从面试的角度来理解什么是解决这个问题最有效的算法? Is there any better way to do this? 有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    char[][] matrix =  {{'1','1','1', '1'},
                        {'1','S','1', '1'},
                        {'1','1','X', '1'},
                        {'1','1','1', 'E'}};


  public static int shortestPath(char[][] matrix) {
    int s_row = 0, s_col = 0;
    boolean flag = false;
    for (s_row = 0; s_row < matrix.length; s_row++) {
      for (s_col = 0; s_col < matrix[0].length; s_col++) {
        if (matrix[s_row][s_col] == 'S')
          flag = true;
        if (flag)
      if (flag)
    return shortestPath(matrix, s_row, s_col);

  public static int shortestPath(char[][] matrix, int s_row, int s_col) {
    int count = 0;
    Queue<int[]> nextToVisit = new LinkedList<>();
    nextToVisit.offer(new int[] {s_row, s_col});
    Set<int[]> visited = new HashSet<>();
    Queue<int[]> temp = new LinkedList<>();

    while (!nextToVisit.isEmpty()) {
      int[] position = nextToVisit.poll();
      int row = position[0];
      int col = position[1];

      if (matrix[row][col] == 'E')
        return count;
      if (row > 0 && !visited.contains(new int[] {row - 1, col}) && matrix[row - 1][col] != 'X')
        temp.offer(new int[] {row - 1, col});
      if (row < matrix.length - 1 && !visited.contains(new int[] {row + 1, col})
          && matrix[row + 1][col] != 'X')
        temp.offer(new int[] {row + 1, col});
      if (col > 0 && !visited.contains(new int[] {row, col - 1}) && matrix[row][col - 1] != 'X')
        temp.offer(new int[] {row, col - 1});
      if (col < matrix[0].length - 1 && !visited.contains(new int[] {row, col + 1})
          && matrix[row][col + 1] != 'X')
        temp.offer(new int[] {row, col + 1});

      if (nextToVisit.isEmpty() && !temp.isEmpty()) {
        nextToVisit = temp;
        temp = new LinkedList<>();

    return count;

The most efficient algorithm for this type of problem is BFS (Breadth-first search) if the cost for going from one point to another point is fixed. 如果从一个点到另一个点的成本是固定的,那么针对此类问题的最有效算法是BFS(广度优先搜索) If the cost is variable but positive then you need to use Dijkstra Algorithm and if there have possibilities of negative cost, Bellman-Ford algorithm would be the right choice. 如果成本是可变的但是肯定的那么你需要使用Dijkstra算法 ,如果有负成本的可能性, Bellman-Ford算法将是正确的选择。

One more thing, to make yourself comfortable with this type of problem, one way is to solve this type of problem more. 还有一件事,为了让自己对这类问题感到满意,一种方法是更多地解决这类问题。 You will find this type of problem in this site. 您将在站点中找到此类问题。

Hope this helps - 希望这可以帮助 -

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import GridNavigationTest.Direction;

public class GridNavigationTest {
    public static final int[][] navigableGrid = new int[][] { 
        { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 
        { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, 
        { 1, 0, 1, 1 },
        { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, 
        { 1, 1, 9, 0 }

    public enum Direction {
        UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT;

        public Direction reverse() {
            Direction reverse = null;

            if (this.equals(Direction.UP)) {
                reverse = DOWN;
            } else if (this.equals(Direction.DOWN)) {
                reverse = UP;
            } else if (this.equals(Direction.RIGHT)) {
                reverse = LEFT;
            } else if (this.equals(Direction.LEFT)) {
                reverse = RIGHT;

            return reverse;

    private static final Map<String, PathNode> nodesRegistry = new TreeMap<>();
    private static final RouteRegistry routeRegistry = new RouteRegistry();

    private static final String keyRefDelimiter = ":";
    private static final String keyRefFormat = "%d" + keyRefDelimiter + "%d";

    private static PathNode destinationNode = null;

    public static void main(String... arguments) {

    private static void printSignificantRoutes() {
        String shortestRoute = Arrays.toString(routeRegistry.getShortestRoute());
        System.out.println("-> Shortest\t: " + shortestRoute);

        String longestRoute = Arrays.toString(routeRegistry.getLongestRoute());
        System.out.println("-> Longest\t: " + longestRoute);

    private static void createNodesRegistry() {
        for (int rowCount = 0; rowCount < navigableGrid.length; rowCount++) {
            for (int colCount = 0; colCount < navigableGrid[rowCount].length; colCount++) {
                // add current element's node representation to the nodes map, only if it is
                // active (value > 0)
                if (navigableGrid[rowCount][colCount] > 0) {
                    IntPair point = new IntPair(rowCount, colCount);
                    int value = navigableGrid[rowCount][colCount];

                    PathNode currentElementNode = new PathNode(point, value);
                    nodesRegistry.put(String.format(keyRefFormat, rowCount, colCount), currentElementNode);

                    // set adjacent references
                    setAdjacentReference(currentElementNode, rowCount - 1, colCount, Direction.UP);
                    setAdjacentReference(currentElementNode, rowCount + 1, colCount, Direction.DOWN);
                    setAdjacentReference(currentElementNode, rowCount, colCount + 1, Direction.RIGHT);
                    setAdjacentReference(currentElementNode, rowCount, colCount - 1, Direction.LEFT);

                    if (currentElementNode.getNodeValue() == 9) {
                        destinationNode = currentElementNode;

    private static void setAdjacentReference(PathNode currentNode, int row, int col, Direction direction) {
        PathNode adjacentNode = nodesRegistry.get(String.format(keyRefFormat, row, col));
        if (adjacentNode != null) {
            currentNode.setAdjacentNode(direction, adjacentNode);

            // set the reverse lookup link
            if (adjacentNode.getAdjacentNode(direction.reverse()) == null) {
                adjacentNode.setAdjacentNode(direction.reverse(), currentNode);

    private static void findRoutes() {
        // initialize reverse tracing from the destination
        destinationNode.traceRoute(routeRegistry, null);

class PathNode {
    private int nodeValue = 0;
    private Map<Direction, PathNode> adjacentNodes = new HashMap<>();
    private IntPair location = null;

    public PathNode() {

    public PathNode(IntPair location, int value) {
        this.location = location;
        this.nodeValue = value;

    public void traceRoute(RouteRegistry routeRegistry, PathNode fromNode) {
        if (!this.isStartNode()) {
            for (Entry<Direction, PathNode> entry : this.adjacentNodes.entrySet()) {
                PathNode node = entry.getValue(); 
                if (!node.equals(fromNode)) {
                    node.traceRoute(routeRegistry, this);
        } else {

    public int getNodeValue() {
        return this.nodeValue;

    public void setNodeValue(int value) {
        this.nodeValue = value;

    public void setAdjacentNode(Direction direction, PathNode node) {
        this.adjacentNodes.put(direction, node);

    public PathNode getAdjacentNode(Direction direction) {
        return this.adjacentNodes.get(direction);

    public IntPair getLocation() {
        return location;

    public void setLocation(IntPair location) {
        this.location = location;

    public boolean isStartNode() {
        boolean returnValue = false;

        if (location != null) {
            returnValue = (location.getValue(0) == 0 && location.getValue(1) == 0);

        return returnValue;

    public boolean isDestinationNode() {
        return (this.getNodeValue() == 9);

class IntPair {
    private Integer[] values = new Integer[2];

    public IntPair() {

    public IntPair(Integer value1, Integer value2) {
        this.values[0] = value1;
        this.values[1] = value2;

    public Integer getValue(int index) {
        return this.values[index];

    public void setValue(int index, int value) {
        this.values[index] = value;

    public String toString() {
        return "[" + this.values[0] + ", " + this.values[1] + "]";

class RouteRegistry {
    private int routeIndex = 1;
    private Map <String, List<IntPair>> routesMap = new HashMap<>();

    public RouteRegistry() {

    public void put(IntPair point) {
        String activeRouteKey = String.format("Route %d", routeIndex);
        routesMap.computeIfAbsent(activeRouteKey, k -> new ArrayList<IntPair>());

        List<IntPair> routePoints = routesMap.get(activeRouteKey);

        if (point.getValue(0) == 0 && point.getValue(1) == 0) {

    public IntPair[] getShortestRoute() {
        IntPair[] routeArray = null;

        List<IntPair> shortestRoute = null;
        for (Entry<String, List<IntPair>> routeEntry :  routesMap.entrySet()) {
            List<IntPair> route = routeEntry.getValue();

            if (shortestRoute == null || shortestRoute.size() > route.size()) {
                shortestRoute = route;

        if (shortestRoute != null) {
            routeArray = shortestRoute.toArray(new IntPair[shortestRoute.size()]);
        } else {
            routeArray = new IntPair[0];

        return routeArray;

    public IntPair[] getLongestRoute() {
        IntPair[] routeArray = null;

        List<IntPair> longestRoute = null;
        for (Entry<String, List<IntPair>> routeEntry :  routesMap.entrySet()) {
            List<IntPair> route = routeEntry.getValue();

            if (longestRoute == null || longestRoute.size() < route.size()) {
                longestRoute = route;

        if (longestRoute != null) {
            routeArray = longestRoute.toArray(new IntPair[longestRoute.size()]);
        } else {
            routeArray = new IntPair[0];

        return routeArray;

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