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[英]Return jsx using the map function

I am new to react-redux . 我是react-redux新手。 Here what I am doing is , 我在这里做的是

return analitics.map(analiticss => (
  <div className="col-md-8 d-flex justify-content-around questionDetailRow1">
          className="fa fa-check-circle"
          style={{ fontSize: "24px", color: "green" }}
      <span className="ml-2">
        {analitics.wrong ? `${analitics.wrong}` : "0"}
          class="fa fa-times-circle"
          style={{ fontSize: "24px", color: "red" }}
      <span className="ml-2">{analiticss.wrong}</span>
      <span className="skip-background">
        <i className="fa fa-fast-forward" style={{ color: "black" }} />
      <span className="ml-2">{analiticss.skipped}</span>
    <button type="button" className="btn btn-outline-primary">

So, here I want to have this div on any condition. 因此,在这里我想在任何情况下都具有该div。 so what happens is , 所以发生的是

if the analiticss is not present then this will not get return. 如果不使用麻醉剂,则不会获得回报。 Because that there is no element to iterate. 因为没有要迭代的元素。

so, I want to show that values as a `0.{analiticss.skipped} this values. 因此,我想将该值显示为0。{analiticss.skipped}该值。

But it does not return this element as it does not have any array element. 但是它不返回此元素,因为它没有任何数组元素。

One solution that I have is to use if else with expplicitely adding same html in this with 0 values. 我要解决的一个办法是使用其他方式在其中明确添加具有0值的相同html。

But I don't think its a right solution. 但是我认为这不是正确的解决方案。 is there any onther solution that I can use ? 我可以使用其他解决方案吗?

If you want to still have the wrapper div visible, you need to move the map function inside of the wrapper div. 如果仍然希望包装器div可见,则需要在包装器div内移动map函数。 Something like: 就像是:

<div className="col-md-8 d-flex justify-content-around questionDetailRow1"> {analytics.map(...)} </div>

You can try this Sandbox Link. 您可以尝试此沙盒链接。

I have added your code and there is no data inside the analytics. 我已添加您的代码,并且分析中没有数据。

https://codesandbox.io/s/zwr8391y24 https://codesandbox.io/s/zwr8391y24

Still you will see the Skipped 仍然会看到跳过的

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