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[英]Assembly 8086 : How to Make thanks with a loop and video memory

I need a program that show at the center the write "Thanks" with heart symbols in left and right side of the text, but the hearts with red color and the text with green color. 我需要一个程序,该程序在中间显示在文本的左侧和右侧带有心形符号的“谢谢”,但是带有红色的心形和带有绿色的文本。 I have now this code: 我现在有以下代码:

mov ax, 0B800h
mov es, ax
mov di,spiazz
mov byte ptr es:[di+0], ' '
mov byte ptr es:[di+2], ' '
mov byte ptr es:[di+4], ' '
mov byte ptr es:[di+1], 20h
mov byte ptr es:[di+3], 70h
mov byte ptr es:[di+5], 40h

With a similar code like this, I need to show an "heart(symbol)Thanks heart(symbol)"; 使用类似的代码,我需要显示“ heart(symbol)Thanks heart(symbol)”; but with the hearts red and the text green. 但心是红色,文字是绿色。 Thank you in advance 先感谢您

There are many ways to achieve this. 有很多方法可以实现这一目标。 Below is one of these: 以下是其中之一:

    mov  ax, 0B800h                ;Points to the 80x25 text screen
    mov  es, ax
    mov  di, (13-1)*160+(37-1)*2   ;Print At(37,13);    //Column 37, Row 13
    mov  si, msg
    cld                            ;This makes SI and DI move  f o r w a r d  as is needed
    mov  ax, 0403h                 ;AL=3 (heart character) AH=04h (RedOnBlack)
    push ax                        ;(1) Preserve on the stack
    mov  ah, 02h                   ;GreenOnBlack
    cmp  al, 0                     ;Message was zero-terminated
    jne  LL                        ;Terminator not yet reached
    pop  ax                        ;(1) Restore from the stack
    stosw                          ;This outputs the second heart character


msg db 'Thanks', 0

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