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[英]What are the project settings in SSRS deployment?

I have successfully created my first SSRS project in Visual Studio. 我已经在Visual Studio中成功创建了我的第一个SSRS项目。 The deployment process requires setting up the TargetServerURL and the TargetServer Version. 部署过程需要设置TargetServerURL和TargetServer版本。 These are the only two items that I know are correct. 这些是我所知道的仅有的两项。 The tutorial I have been watching does not go into the other items and does not clarify what they are and what they are used for. 我一直在观看的教程没有涉及其他项目,也没有阐明它们的用途以及它们的用途。 What are the following items referring to? 以下各项指的是什么?

  • TargetDatasetFolder TargetDatasetFolder
  • TargetDataSourceFolder TargetDataSourceFolder
  • TargetReportFolder TargetReportFolder
  • TargetReportPartFolder TargetReportPartFolder

The default settings for OverwriteDatasets and OverwriteDataSources was False and this is probably why my deployment attemtp threw a nondescript error. OverwriteDatasets和OverwriteDataSources的默认设置为False,这可能就是为什么我的部署attemtp抛出非描述性错误的原因。 So, now, perhaps if I try again, my deployment will create these folders on the server by force, but I owuld rather not do this because the database manager has already given me the names of the folders where I should deploy. 因此,现在,也许,如果我再试一次,我的部署将在服务器上强制创建这些文件夹,但是我宁愿不这样做,因为数据库管理器已经给了我应该部署的文件夹的名称。 So, how are these Folders arranged? 那么,这些文件夹的排列方式如何? Please advise. 请指教。


  • TargetDataSourceFolder: The name of the folder in which to store the published shared data sources. TargetDataSourceFolder:存储发布的共享数据源的文件夹的名称。 If you do not specify a folder, the data source is published to the same folder as the report. 如果未指定文件夹,则数据源将发布到报表所在的文件夹中。 If the folder does not exist on the report server, Report Designer creates the folder when the reports are published. 如果报表服务器上不存在该文件夹,则报表设计器将在发布报表时创建该文件夹。
  • TargetDataSetFolder: the same but for your shared data set you want to publish. TargetDataSetFolder:相同,但要发布的共享数据集相同。
  • TargetReportFolder: The name of the folder in which to store the published reports. TargetReportFolder:存储已发布报告的文件夹的名称。 By default, this is the name of the report project. 默认情况下,这是报告项目的名称。 If the folder does not exist on the report server, Report Designer creates the folder when the reports are published. 如果报表服务器上不存在该文件夹,则报表设计器将在发布报表时创建该文件夹。

You can write a path (finance/dept1/...) in this case, you'll deploy your report (or datasets or datasources) following this path. 在这种情况下,您可以编写一个路径(finance / dept1 / ...),然后沿着该路径部署报表(或数据集或数据源)。

Here is an exemple by default from microsoft: 这是默认情况下来自Microsoft的一个示例: 在此处输入图片说明

About 'overwrite dataset' and 'overwrite datasource' (it's about 'shared dataset' and 'shared datasource') it depends on the architecture you chose (or if you have already something created) on the server. 关于“覆盖数据集”和“覆盖数据源”(关于“共享数据集”和“共享数据源”),这取决于您在服务器上选择的架构(或者是否已经创建了某些内容)。

I think the best way is to let them as False. 我认为最好的方法是让它们为False。 If they don't exist, the deployment will create them. 如果它们不存在,则部署将创建它们。 If they exist, you'll just get a warning (if I remember) and the report you'll be deploying should link your report to those dataset and datasource already created. 如果它们存在,您只会收到警告(如果我记得的话),并且将要部署的报告应将报告链接到那些已创建的数据集和数据源。 Futhermore, probably you have other reports linked to those shared datasource/dataset and if you overwrite them, you'll probably raise some issues when you'll run those other reports. 此外,可能还有其他报表链接到这些共享的数据源/数据集,并且如果覆盖它们,则在运行其他报表时可能会引起一些问题。 You have to put 'True' when you want to modify the dataset/datasource 要修改数据集/数据源时,必须输入“ True”

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