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[英]Program to count length of each word in string in C

I'm writting a program to count the length of each word in array of characters. 我正在编写一个程序来计算字符数组中每个单词的长度。 I was wondering if You guys could help me, because I'm struggling with it for at least two hours for now and i don't know how to do it properly. 我想知道你们是否可以帮助我,因为我现在至少要努力两个小时,而且我不知道该怎么做。 It should go like that: 它应该像这样:

(number of letters) - (number of words with this many letters) (字母数)-(具有这么多个字母的字数)
2 - 1 2-1
3 - 4 3-4
5 - 1 5-1
etc. 等等

char tab[1000];
int k = 0, x = 0;

printf("Enter text: ");
fgets(tab, 1000, stdin);

for (int i = 2; i < (int)strlen(tab); i++)

    for (int j = 0; j < (int)strlen(tab); j++)
        if (tab[j] == '\0' || tab[j]=='\n')
        if (tab[j] == ' ')
            k = 0;
        else k++;

        if (k == i)
            k = 0;
    if (x != 0)
        printf("%d - %d\n", i, x);
        x = 0;
        k = 0;


return 0;

By using two for loops, you're doing len**2 character scans. 通过使用两个 for循环,您可以进行len**2字符的扫描。 (eg) For a buffer of length 1000, instead of 1000 character comparisons, you're doing 1,000,000 comparisons. (例如)对于长度为1000的缓冲区,而不是1000个字符的比较,您要进行1,000,000个比较。

This can be done in a single for loop if we use a word length histogram array. 如果我们使用字长直方图数组,则可以在单个 for循环中完成。

The basic algorithm is the same as your inner loop. 基本算法与您的内部循环相同。

When we have a non-space character, we increment a current length value. 当我们有一个非空格字符时,我们增加当前长度值。 When we see a space, we increment the histogram cell (indexed by the length value) by 1. We then set the length value to 0. 当我们看到一个空间时,我们将直方图像元(由长度值索引)增加1。然后将长度值设置为0。

Here's some code that works: 这是一些有效的代码:

#include <stdio.h>

    int hist[100] = { 0 };
    char buf[1000];
    char *bp;
    int chr;
    int curlen = 0;

    printf("Enter text: ");

    bp = buf;

    for (chr = *bp++;  chr != 0;  chr = *bp++) {
        if (chr == '\n')

        // end of word -- increment the histogram cell
        if (chr == ' ') {
            hist[curlen] += 1;
            curlen = 0;

        // got an alpha char -- increment the length of the word
            curlen += 1;

    // catch the final word on the line
    hist[curlen] += 1;

    for (curlen = 1;  curlen < sizeof(hist) / sizeof(hist[0]);  ++curlen) {
        int count = hist[curlen];
        if (count > 0)
            printf("%d - %d\n",curlen,count);

    return 0;


and i don't really understand pointers. 而且我不太了解指针。 Is there any simpler method to do this? 有没有更简单的方法可以做到这一点?

Pointers are a very important [essential] tool in the C arsenal, so I hope you get to them soon. 指针是军械库中非常重要的[必要]工具,所以希望您能尽快找到它们。

However, it is easy enough to convert the for loop (Removing the char *bp; and bp = buf; ): 但是,转换for循环很容易(除去char *bp;bp = buf; ):

Change: 更改:

for (chr = *bp++;  chr != 0;  chr = *bp++) {

Into: 进入:

for (int bufidx = 0;  ;  ++bufidx) {
    chr = buf[bufidx];
    if (chr == 0)

The rest of the for loop remains the same. for循环的其余部分保持不变。

Here's another loop [but, without optimization by the compiler] double fetches the char: 这是另一个循环[但是,没有经过编译器的优化]双重获取char:

for (int bufidx = 0;  buf[bufidx] != 0;  ++bufidx) {
    chr = buf[bufidx];

Here is a single line version. 这是单行版本。 Note this is not recommended practice because of the embedded assignment of chr inside the loop condition clause, but is for illustration purposes: 请注意,这建议,因为嵌入式分配的做法chr循环条件子句 ,但为了说明:

for (int bufidx = 0;  (chr = buf[bufidx]) != 0;  ++bufidx) {

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