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lxml / python使用CDATA部分读取xml

[英]lxml/python reading xml with CDATA section

In my xml I have a CDATA section. 在我的xml中,我有一个CDATA部分。 I want to keep the CDATA part, and then strip it. 我想保留CDATA部分,然后剥离它。 Can someone help with the following? 有人可以提供以下帮助吗?

Default does not work: 默认值不起作用:

$ from io import StringIO
$ from lxml import etree
$ xml = '<Subject> My Subject: 美海軍研究船勘查台海水文? 船<![CDATA[&#xE9;]]>€ </Subject>'
$ tree = etree.parse(StringIO(xml))
$ tree.getroot().text
' My Subject: 美海軍研究船勘查台海水文? 船&#xE9;€ '

This post seems to suggest that a parser option strip_cdata=False may keep the cdata, but it has no effect: 这篇文章似乎暗示parser选项strip_cdata=False可以保留cdata,但没有效果:

$ parser=etree.XMLParser(strip_cdata=False)
$ tree = etree.parse(StringIO(xml), parser=parser)
$ tree.getroot().text    
' My Subject: 美海軍研究船勘查台海水文? 船&#xE9;€ '

Using strip_cdata=True , which should be the default, yields the same: 使用strip_cdata=True (应为默认值)产生相同的结果:

$ parser=etree.XMLParser(strip_cdata=True)
$ tree = etree.parse(StringIO(xml), parser=parser)    
$ tree.getroot().text    
' My Subject: 美海軍研究船勘查台海水文? 船&#xE9;€ '

CDATA sections are not preserved in the text property of an element, even if strip_cdata=False is used when the XML content is parsed, as you have noticed. 您已经注意到,即使在解析XML内容时使用strip_cdata=False ,也不会在元素的text属性中保留CDATA节。 See https://lxml.de/api.html#cdata . 请参阅https://lxml.de/api.html#cdata

CDATA sections are preserved in these cases: 在以下情况下, 保留CDATA节:

  1. When serializing with tostring() : 使用tostring()序列化时:

     print(etree.tostring(tree.getroot(), encoding="UTF-8").decode()) 
  2. When writing to a file: 写入文件时:

     tree.write("subject.xml", encoding="UTF-8") 

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