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[英]How To Make Class Default Returning Value A Dictionary

I hope the title is clear enough for my purpose, to be honest I did not try much because I didn't really knew where to go to, and I'm not even sure this is totally possible. 我希望标题对我而言足够清晰,说实话,我没有做太多尝试,因为我并不真正知道该去哪里,而且我甚至不确定这是完全可能的。 I know its possible to override __str__ and __int__ to return values of those 2 types. 我知道有可能重写__str____int__返回这两种类型的值。 I sure you're asking 'why not have a class function to return what you want', and sure its a reasonable question, but I wanted a cleaner way to do it. 我确定您在问“为什么没有一个类函数返回您想要的东西”,并确定它是一个合理的问题,但是我想要一种更简洁的方法来实现。

I've searched for other similar questions and examples that might have helped but none really do what I intend. 我搜索了其他可能有助于解决问题的类似问题和示例,但没有一个能真正达到我的预期。 The closest I could get is from the example I tried below overriding __new__ and __repr__ . 我可以得到的最接近的示例来自下面覆盖__new____repr__

class student:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.info = {'name': name, 'age': age}
    def __new__(self, name, age):
        return self.info
    def __repr__(self, name, age):
        return self.info
student_data = student('Rob', 18)


Thanks in advance 提前致谢

You were close. 你近了 Both __str__ and __repr__ must return a string. __str____repr__必须返回一个字符串。 print will internally call your object's __str__ representation. print将在内部调用对象的__str__表示形式。 So, just have your __str__ method return the string representation of self.info (IOW str(self.info) ). 因此,只需让您的__str__方法返回__str__的字符串表示self.info (IOW str(self.info) )。

class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.info = {'name': name, 'age': age}

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.info)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

student_data = Student('Rob', 18)
# {'name': 'Rob', 'age': 18}

If your goal is to make an object act like a dictionary, you can subclass dict itself, or perhaps even easier, subclass collections.UserDict . 如果您的目标是使对象像字典一样工作,则可以对dict本身进行子类化,或者甚至可以dictcollections.UserDict子类化。

import collections

class Student(collections.UserDict):
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.data = {'name': name, 'age': age}

student_data = Student('Rob', 18)


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