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HTTP服务器响应404时未调用Spring WebClient异步回调

[英]Spring WebClient async callback not called when http server response 404

A problem I encountered is as titled, and the code is below: 我遇到的一个问题如标题所示,代码如下:

Mono<Account> accountMono = client.get()
    .flatMap(response -> {
                            if (response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
                              return response.bodyToMono(Account.class);
                            } else { 
                              return Mono.empty();

accountMono.subscribe(result -> callback(result));  

``` ```

Server response 404 . Server response 404 I try to create an empty Account, but the callback() is not called. 我尝试创建一个空帐户,但未callback() It looks like the empty Mono is not emitted. 好像没有发出空的Mono

Server response 404, I try to create a empty Account 服务器响应404,我尝试创建一个空帐户

You're not creating an empty Account . 您不是要创建一个空Account You're returning an empty Mono , ie a Mono that will never emit anything. 您将返回一个空的Mono ,即一个永远不会发出任何东西的Mono

If you want to return a Mono which emits an empty Account, then you need 如果您想返回一个发出空帐户的Mono,则需要

return Mono.just(new Account());

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