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下一个js react app未定义的编译错误

[英]next js react app undefined compilation error

I am testing out a simple next.js react app, although an error is showing up when I try to access it at localhost:300. 我正在测试一个简单的next.js react应用,尽管尝试在localhost:300上访问它时出现错误。 On line 46 of my news.js page, I am trying to test if state.articles is empty then copy props to it, although next.js is telling me .length is undefined. 在news.js页面的第46行,我尝试测试state.articles是否为空,然后将props复制到其中,尽管next.js告诉我.length是未定义的。 Does anyone know why .length is undefined? 有谁知道为什么.length是未定义的?

Error is as follows; 错误如下: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性“ length”

any help is apprecaited 希望得到任何帮助

// This is the Link API
import Link from 'next/link';
import fetch from 'isomorphic-unfetch';
//import SearchForm from './components/SearchForm';

const apiKey = 'API-KEY';

const source = 'the-irish-times';

//build the url which will be sued to get the data
const url = `https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines? 

//getNews(url) is an async method which fetchs and 
returns data or and erroe
//from WWW Api
async function getNews(url){
//try fetch and catch any errors
//make async call
const res = await fetch(url);
//get json data when it arrives
const data = await res.json();
//return json data

  } catch (error){

// the news page definied as an ES6 Class
export default class News extends React.Component{
//receive props and initialise state properties
this.state = {
  newsSource: "",
  url: "",
  atricles: []
  } // end constructor
// render() method generates the page
render() {
//if state.articles is empty copy props to it
if(this.state.articles.length == 0){
  this.state.articles = this.props.articles;
return (
    { /* display a title based on source */}
    <h3>{this.state.newsSource.split("-").join(" ")} 
    { /*iterate through artiles using array map */}
    { /* display author, publishedAT, image, desc and 
content */}
    { /* for each story also a link for more */}
    {this.state.articles.map((article, index) => (
      <section key = {index}>
      <p className="author">{article.author} 
      <img src={article.urlToImage} alt="artile 
image" className="img-article"></img>
      <p><Link href="/story"> <a>Read mor</a> </Link> 
      <p onClick = {this.test}>click..</p>

   <style jsx>{`
   section {
     width: 50%;
     border: 1px solid grey;
     background-color: rgb(240, 248, 255);
     padding: 1em;
     margin: 1em;

   .author {
     font-style: italic;
     font-size: 0.8em;
   .img-article {
     max-width: 50%;

}//end render

//get initial data on server side using an AJAX call
// this will initialise the 'props' for the news page

async function getInitialProps(response){
//build the url which will be used to get the data
const initUrl = `https://newsapi.org/v2/top- 

//get news data from tje api url
const data = await getNews(initUrl);

//if the result contains an articles array then it is 
good so return articles
if(Array.isArray(data.articles)) {
return {
  articles: data.articles
// otherwise it contains an error, log and redirect 
to error page
else {
 if(response) {
response.statusCode = 400
} // end initial props

A couple problems: 几个问题:

1.) Mistyped state property name 1.)状态属性名称错误

I believe you meant articles not atricles . 我相信您是指articles而不是atricles

Should be 应该

this.state = {
  newsSource: "",
  url: "",
  articles: []


this.state = {
  newsSource: "",
  url: "",
  atricles: []

2.) Mutating immutable React state 2.)改变不可变的React状态

In React we change the state with setState() . 在React中,我们使用setState()更改状态。 Keep in mind this is an asynchronous action and since you're calling it in the render function it will likely not appear until the next render. 请记住,这是一个异步操作,由于您是在render函数中调用它的,因此它可能要等到下一次渲染时才会出现。

if(this.state.articles.length == 0){
  this.setState({ articles: this.props.articles });

 class Application extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { articles: [] }; } render() { if(this.state.articles.length == 0){ return (<div>Articles has no length</div>); } return ( <div> Articles has a length. </div> ); } } // Render it ReactDOM.render( <Application/>, document.getElementById("react") ); 
 <div id="react"></div> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script> 

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