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[英]Custom Shopify recurring payments / subscriptions

I'm developing a custom app for one of my customers who is using Shopify as their online shop. 我正在为使用Shopify作为其网上商店的一位客户开发自定义应用程序。 I want to add a subscription feature to the shop so customers can checkout once but will get their order every x weeks etc. 我想向商店添加订阅功能,以便客户可以结帐一次,但每隔x周就会收到订单。

The problem is that I need to connect the shop to an enterprise resource planning (ERP). 问题是我需要将商店连接到企业资源计划(ERP)。 I've seen a lot of Shopify apps that support recurring payments but none of them would allow to also connect with the ERP. 我见过很多支持定期付款的Shopify应用程序,但没有一个允许同时与ERP连接。

We're using only Stripe and Paypal for the checkout. 我们仅将Stripe和Paypal用于结帐。 Both of them offer subscriptions but I cannot wrap my head around on how to connect the Shopify checkout with those. 他们两个都提供订阅,但是我无法确定如何将Shopify结帐与这些链接。 I hope someone has a hint for me, thank you! 希望有人对我有所提示,谢谢!

Shopify has selected to not support subscriptions since day one. 自第一天起,Shopify选择不支持订阅。 One day, they might flip a switch and support it. 有一天,他们可能会拨动开关并予以支持。 Till then, you have to your own checkout with your own payment gateway. 到那时,您必须使用自己的付款网关进行自己的结帐。 A couple of Apps provide for this. 为此提供了几个应用程序。 What you would do is intercept the Checkout click from the cart. 您要做的是拦截购物车中的Checkout点击。 Render a page with the Stripe/Paypal details for the subscription, and then process them yourself. 呈现一个页面,其中包含该订阅的Stripe / Paypal详细信息,然后自己进行处理。 You could finish that off with the calls to the ERP yourself. 您可以自己给ERP打电话来结束。

I did all that over eight years ago for a client, so it is not terribly new or hard to do, but you do lose a lot of Shopify management of orders going this route, unless you also take care to produce order results as well. 我在八年前为一个客户完成了所有工作,因此这并不是一个新手,也不是很难做到,但是除非您也注意产生订单结果,否则您确实会损失很多Shopify的订单管理。 So ya... it is a lot of work for minimal gain, something totally bizarre on the part of Shopify to not support. 所以...为了获得最小的收益而要做的很多工作,Shopify完全不支持的事情有些奇怪。

Disclaimer: I work at the company I'm about to mention. 免责声明:我在我要提到的公司工作。 Having said that, I would suggest you take a look at Cartfunnel . 话虽如此,我建议您看一下Cartfunnel It was built to solve the exact problem (ie. initially with recurring billing + external integrations) and it might solve a few problems for you out of the box: 它是为解决确切的问题(即最初使用循环计费+外部集成)而设计的,它可以为您解决一些现成的问题:

  • Syncing products from your Shopify database 同步Shopify数据库中的产品
  • Syncing orders when it is received back to Shopify so you can continue to use your existing toolchain to fulfill your orders 将收到的订单同步回Shopify,以便您可以继续使用现有的工具链来完成订单
  • An all-in-one integrated customer portal for subscription management 一体化的集成客户门户网站,用于订阅管理
  • Customizable checkout 可自定义的结帐

It also features a RESTful API that you can use to integrate with your ERP. 它还具有RESTful API,可用于与ERP集成。

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