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[英]in VSC, which FTP extension is best for auto-uploading to remote on save?

I used to use Sublime text and paid for a donation plugin that perfectly uploaded when i saved a file, to my remote FTP. 我曾经使用Sublime文本并为捐赠插件付费,当我将文件保存到远程FTP时,该插件可以完美上传。

Now, i have switched to Visual Studio Code and having trouble getting that same functionality. 现在,我已切换到Visual Studio Code,但无法获得相同的功能。 I currently am trying two FTP extensions - ftp-sync and ftp-simple. 我目前正在尝试两个FTP扩展名-ftp-sync和ftp-simple。 Neither of these seem to auto-upload to my FTP without me having to click through extra steps, like to specify which remote FTP of the few I have in config, and / or remote folder. 这些似乎都不会自动上传到我的FTP,而无需我单击多余的步骤,例如指定配置和/或远程文件夹中的几个远程FTP。

I was looking for any advice on 我一直在寻找任何建议

  1. If i am doing it incorrectly - maybe something to do with workspace in VSC - is there a way to inform VSC which local folder goes with which remote server / folder? 如果我做错了-也许与VSC中的工作区有关-是否可以通知VSC哪个本地文件夹与哪个远程服务器/文件夹一起使用?
  2. Which FTP extension can do this.To make sure i am clear, what I need is when i save a file in VSC, it instantly pushes it to the remote FTP in the same folder, without needing anything from me besides the save. 哪个FTP扩展名可以做到这一点。为确保我很清楚,我需要的是将文件保存在VSC中时,它将立即将其推送到同一文件夹中的远程FTP,除了保存外不需要我做任何其他事情。

thanks! 谢谢!

I finally found a plugin that does this, and this is it: ftp-kr at VSC Marketplace 我终于找到了执行此操作的插件,就是这样: VSC Marketplace上的ftp-kr

It will automatically upload to server without any extra clicks or prompts on save and more in Visual Studio Code. 它会自动上传到服务器,而无需任何额外的单击或保存提示,而在Visual Studio Code中还有更多提示。 You do have to configure it to do so, but it is working for me. 您必须对其进行配置,但是它对我有用。

From my experience, SFTP is so far very easy to setup and use. 根据我的经验,SFTP到目前为止非常易于设置和使用。 It loads your remote directories in VS Code and lets you edit and save them directly on the remote server. 它将您的远程目录加载到VS Code中,并允许您直接在远程服务器上进行编辑和保存。

Check it out https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=liximomo.sftp 检查一下https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=liximomo.sftp

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