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如何在 Python 中实现基于 Householder 的 QR 分解?

[英]How can you implement Householder based QR decomposition in Python?

I'm currently trying to implement the Householder based QR decomposition for rectangular matrices as described in http://eprints.ma.man.ac.uk/1192/1/qrupdating_12nov08.pdf (pages 3, 4, 5).我目前正在尝试为矩形矩阵实现基于 Householder 的 QR 分解,如http://eprints.ma.man.ac.uk/1192/1/qrupdating_12nov08.pdf (第 3、4、5 页)中所述。

Apparently I got some of the pseudocode wrong though, since (1) my results differ from numpy.qr.linalg() and (2) the matrix R produced by my routines is not an upper triangular matrix.显然我弄错了一些伪代码,因为 (1) 我的结果不同于numpy.qr.linalg()和 (2) 我的例程产生的矩阵R不是上三角矩阵。

My code (also available under https://pyfiddle.io/fiddle/afcc2e0e-0857-4cb2-adb5-06ff9b80c9d3/?i=true )我的代码(也可在https://pyfiddle.io/fiddle/afcc2e0e-0857-4cb2-adb5-06ff9b80c9d3/?i=true下找到)

import math
import argparse
import numpy as np
from typing import Union

def householder(alpha: float, x: np.ndarray) -> Union[np.ndarray, int]:
    Computes Householder vector for alpha and x.
    :param alpha:
    :param x:

    s = math.pow(np.linalg.norm(x, ord=2), 2)
    v = x

    if s == 0:
        tau = 0
        t = math.sqrt(alpha * alpha + s)
        v_one = alpha - t if alpha <= 0 else -s / (alpha + t)

        tau = 2 * v_one * v_one / (s + v_one * v_one)
        v /= v_one

    return v, tau

def qr_decomposition(A: np.ndarray, m: int, n: int) -> Union[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Applies Householder-based QR decomposition on specified matrix A.
    :param A:
    :param m:
    :param n:
    H = []
    R = A
    Q = A
    I = np.eye(m, m)

    for j in range(0, n):
        # Apply Householder transformation.
        x = A[j + 1:m, j]
        v_householder, tau = householder(np.linalg.norm(x), x)
        v = np.zeros((1, m))
        v[0, j] = 1
        v[0, j + 1:m] = v_householder

        res = I - tau * v * np.transpose(v)
        R = np.matmul(res, R)

    return Q, R

m = 10
n = 8

A = np.random.rand(m, n)
q, r = np.linalg.qr(A)
Q, R = qr_decomposition(A, m, n)


So I'm unclear about how to introduce zeroes to my R matrix/about which part of my code is incorrect.所以我不清楚如何将零引入我的R矩阵/关于我的代码的哪一部分不正确。 I'd be happy about any pointers!我很高兴有任何指示! Thanks a lot for your time.非常感谢您的时间。

There were a bunch of problems/missing details in the notes you linked to.您链接到的笔记中有很多问题/缺少细节。 After consulting a few other sources (including this very useful textbook ), I was able to come up with a working implementation of something similar.在咨询了一些其他来源(包括这本非常有用的教科书)之后,我能够想出一个类似的工作实现。

The working algorithm工作算法

Heres the code for a working version of qr_decomposition :下面是qr_decomposition工作版本的qr_decomposition

import numpy as np
from typing import Union

def householder(x: np.ndarray) -> Union[np.ndarray, int]:
    alpha = x[0]
    s = np.power(np.linalg.norm(x[1:]), 2)
    v = x.copy()

    if s == 0:
        tau = 0
        t = np.sqrt(alpha**2 + s)
        v[0] = alpha - t if alpha <= 0 else -s / (alpha + t)

        tau = 2 * v[0]**2 / (s + v[0]**2)
        v /= v[0]

    return v, tau

def qr_decomposition(A: np.ndarray) -> Union[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    m,n = A.shape
    R = A.copy()
    Q = np.identity(m)

    for j in range(0, n):
        # Apply Householder transformation.
        v, tau = householder(R[j:, j])
        H = np.identity(m)
        H[j:, j:] -= tau * v.reshape(-1, 1) @ v
        R = H @ R
        Q = H @ Q

    return Q[:n].T, R[:n]

m = 5
n = 4

A = np.random.rand(m, n)
q, r = np.linalg.qr(A)
Q, R = qr_decomposition(A)

with np.printoptions(linewidth=9999, precision=20, suppress=True):
    print("**** Q from qr_decomposition")
    print("**** Q from np.linalg.qr")

    print("**** R from qr_decomposition")
    print("**** R from np.linalg.qr")


**** Q from qr_decomposition
[[ 0.5194188817843675  -0.10699353671401633  0.4322294754656072  -0.7293293270703678 ]
 [ 0.5218635773595086   0.11737804362574514 -0.5171653705211056   0.04467925806590414]
 [ 0.34858177783013133  0.6023104248793858  -0.33329256746256875 -0.03450824948274838]
 [ 0.03371048915852807  0.6655221685383623   0.6127023580593225   0.28795294754791   ]
 [ 0.5789790833500734  -0.411189947884951    0.24337120818874305  0.618041080584351  ]]
**** Q from np.linalg.qr
[[-0.5194188817843672    0.10699353671401617   0.4322294754656068    0.7293293270703679  ]
 [-0.5218635773595086   -0.11737804362574503  -0.5171653705211053   -0.044679258065904115]
 [-0.3485817778301313   -0.6023104248793857   -0.33329256746256863   0.03450824948274819 ]
 [-0.03371048915852807  -0.665522168538362     0.6127023580593226   -0.2879529475479097  ]
 [-0.5789790833500733    0.41118994788495106   0.24337120818874317  -0.6180410805843508  ]]

**** R from qr_decomposition
[[ 0.6894219296137802      1.042676051151294       1.3418719684631446      1.2498925815126485    ]
 [ 0.00000000000000000685  0.7076056836914905      0.29883043386651403     0.41955370595004277   ]
 [-0.0000000000000000097  -0.00000000000000007292  0.5304551654027297      0.18966088433421135   ]
 [-0.00000000000000000662  0.00000000000000008718  0.00000000000000002322  0.6156558913022807    ]]
**** R from np.linalg.qr
[[-0.6894219296137803  -1.042676051151294   -1.3418719684631442  -1.2498925815126483 ]
 [ 0.                  -0.7076056836914905  -0.29883043386651376 -0.4195537059500425 ]
 [ 0.                   0.                   0.53045516540273     0.18966088433421188]
 [ 0.                   0.                   0.                  -0.6156558913022805 ]]

This version of qr_decomposition near exactly reproduces the output of np.linalg.qr .这个版本的qr_decomposition几乎完全再现了np.linalg.qr的输出。 The differences are commented on below.下面对差异进行了评论。

Numerical precision of the output输出的数值精度

The values in the outputs of np.linalg.qr and qr_decomposition match to high precision. np.linalg.qrqr_decomposition的输出值匹配高精度。 However, the combination of computations that qr_decomposition uses to produce the zeros in R don't exactly cancel, so the zeros aren't actual quite equal to zero.然而, qr_decomposition用于在R产生零的计算组合并没有完全取消,因此零实际上并不完全等于零。

It turns out that np.linalg.qr isn't doing any fancy floating point tricks to ensure that the zeros in its output are 0.0 .事实证明, np.linalg.qr并没有做任何花哨的浮点技巧来确保其输出中的零为0.0 It just calls np.triu , which forcibly sets those values to 0.0 .只是调用np.triu ,它强制将这些值设置为0.0 So to achieve the same results, just change the return line in qr_decomposition to:所以要达到相同的结果,只需将qr_decompositionreturnqr_decomposition为:

return Q[:n].T, np.triu(R[:n])

Signs ( + / - ) in the output输出中的符号 ( + / - )

Some of the +/- signs in Q and R are different in the outputs of np.linalg.qr and qr_decomposition , but this isn't really an issue as there are many valid choices for the signs (see thisdiscussion of the uniqueness of Q and R ). Q 和 R 中的一些+/-符号在np.linalg.qrqr_decomposition的输出中是不同的,但这并不是真正的问题,因为符号有许多有效的选择(请参阅有关Q 和 R )。 You can exactly match the sign convention that np.linalg.qr by using an alternative algorithm to generate v and tau :您可以通过使用替代算法生成vtau来完全匹配np.linalg.qr的符号约定:

def householder_vectorized(a):
    """Use this version of householder to reproduce the output of np.linalg.qr 
    exactly (specifically, to match the sign convention it uses)

    based on https://rosettacode.org/wiki/QR_decomposition#Python
    v = a / (a[0] + np.copysign(np.linalg.norm(a), a[0]))
    v[0] = 1
    tau = 2 / (v.T @ v)

    return v,tau

Exactly matching the output of np.linalg.qr完全匹配np.linalg.qr的输出

Putting it all together, this version of qr_decomposition will exactly match the output of np.linalg.qr : ​qr_decomposition ,这个版本的qr_decomposition将与np.linalg.qr的输出完全匹配:

import numpy as np
from typing import Union

def qr_decomposition(A: np.ndarray) -> Union[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    m,n = A.shape
    R = A.copy()
    Q = np.identity(m)

    for j in range(0, n):
        # Apply Householder transformation.
        v, tau = householder_vectorized(R[j:, j, np.newaxis])

        H = np.identity(m)
        H[j:, j:] -= tau * (v @ v.T)
        R = H @ R
        Q = H @ Q

    return Q[:n].T, np.triu(R[:n])
m = 5
n = 4
A = np.random.rand(m, n)
q, r = np.linalg.qr(A)
Q, R = qr_decomposition(A)
with np.printoptions(linewidth=9999, precision=20, suppress=True):
    print("**** Q from qr_decomposition")
    print("**** Q from np.linalg.qr")

    print("**** R from qr_decomposition")
    print("**** R from np.linalg.qr")


**** Q from qr_decomposition
[[-0.10345123000824041   0.6455437884382418    0.44810714367794663  -0.03963544711256745 ]
 [-0.55856415402318     -0.3660716543156899    0.5953932791844518    0.43106504879433577 ]
 [-0.30655198880585594   0.6606757192118904   -0.21483067305535333   0.3045011114089389  ]
 [-0.48053620675695174  -0.11139783377793576  -0.6310958848894725    0.2956864520726446  ]
 [-0.5936453158283703   -0.01904935140131578  -0.016510508076204543 -0.79527388379824    ]]
**** Q from np.linalg.qr
[[-0.10345123000824041   0.6455437884382426    0.44810714367794663  -0.039635447112567376]
 [-0.5585641540231802   -0.3660716543156898    0.5953932791844523    0.4310650487943359  ]
 [-0.30655198880585594   0.6606757192118904   -0.21483067305535375   0.30450111140893893 ]
 [-0.48053620675695186  -0.1113978337779356   -0.6310958848894725    0.29568645207264455 ]
 [-0.5936453158283704   -0.01904935140131564  -0.0165105080762043   -0.79527388379824    ]]

**** R from qr_decomposition
[[-1.653391466100325   -1.0838054573405895  -1.0632037969249921  -1.1825735233596888 ]
 [ 0.                   0.7263519982452554   0.7798481878600413   0.5496287509656425 ]
 [ 0.                   0.                  -0.26840760341581243 -0.2002757085967938 ]
 [ 0.                   0.                   0.                   0.48524469321440966]]
**** R from np.linalg.qr
[[-1.6533914661003253 -1.0838054573405895 -1.0632037969249923 -1.182573523359689 ]
 [ 0.                  0.7263519982452559  0.7798481878600418  0.5496287509656428]
 [ 0.                  0.                 -0.2684076034158126 -0.2002757085967939]
 [ 0.                  0.                  0.                  0.4852446932144096]]

Aside from the inevitable rounding error in the trailing digits, the outputs now match.除了尾随数字中不可避免的舍入错误之外,输出现在匹配。

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