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[英]trim leading zeros in impala

I have two sorts of accounts number, all of which are strings: some of them have leading zeros , others have been imported properly and do not have leading zeros; 我有两种帐号,所有帐号都是字符串:其中一些有leading zeros ,另一些已正确导入,没有前导零;

How can I get rid of the leading zeros without trimming account numbers that are normal? 如何在不修剪正常帐号的情况下摆脱前导零?

the ones with leading zeros are somewhat: 0000012345678 带有前导零的那些是: 0000012345678

Those without leading zeros are: 1345678 没有前导零的那些是: 1345678

How can I do that in Impala without trimming all the account numbers?From what I have seen there are always 5 leading zeros in those records with leading zeros. 如何在不修剪所有帐号的情况下在Impala中执行此操作?从我所看到的情况下,这些记录中始终有5个前导零,其中前导零。

Try this: 尝试这个:

SELECT CAST( "0000012345678"  AS INT);

OR 要么

SELECT regexp_replace( "0000012345678","^0+(?!$)","")


SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('0000012345678', '^0*', '') AS number_out
FROM yourTable;

you can use substr() 你可以使用substr()

select case when left(accountno)='00000' then substr(accountno,6,length(accountno)-5)
else accountno end
from yourtablename

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