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[英]Kafka streams KTable creation from a given topic

I'm doing a project and I'm stuck on the KTable. 我正在做一个项目,并且卡在KTable上。

I want to take records from a topic and put them in a KTable(store), so that I have 1 record for 1 key. 我想从一个主题中获取记录,并将其放入KTable(存储)中,这样我就有1条键的1条记录。

    static KafkaStreams streams;

    final Serde<Long> longSerde = Serdes.Long();
    final Serde<byte[]> byteSerde = Serdes.ByteArray();
    static String topicName;
    static String storeName;
    final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();

    KStream<Long, byte[]> streamed = builder.stream(topicName, Consumed.with(longSerde, byteSerde));
    KTable<Long, byte[]> records = streamed.groupByKey().reduce(
            new Reducer<Long>() {
                public Long apply(Long aggValue, Long newValue) {
                    return newValue;

This is the closest I got to the answer I think. 这是我认为最接近的答案。

Your approach is correct, but you need to use the correct serdes. 您的方法是正确的,但是您需要使用正确的Serdes。

In .reduce() function, value type should be byte[] . .reduce()函数中,值类型应为byte[]

 KStream<Long, byte[]> streamed = builder.stream(topicName, Consumed.with(longSerde, byteSerde));
 KTable<Long, byte[]> records = streamed.groupByKey().reduce(
            new Reducer<byte[]>() {
                public byte[] apply(byte[] aggValue, byte[] newValue) {
                    return newValue;

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