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[英]Custom loss function which depends on another neural network in keras

I have a "How can I do that" question with keras : 我对keras有一个“我该怎么做”的问题:

Assuming that I have a first neural network, say NNa which has 4 inputs (x,y,z,t) which is already trained . 假设我有第一个神经网络,比如说NNa,它有4个已经训练过的输入(x,y,z,t)。 If I have a second neural network, say NNb, and that its loss function depends on the first neural network. 如果我有第二个神经网络,例如NNb,那么它的损失函数取决于第一个神经网络。

The custom loss function of NNb customLossNNb calls the prediction of NNa with a fixed grid (x,y,z) and just modify the last variable t. NNb的自定义损失函数customLossNNb调用具有固定网格(x,y,z)的NNa的预测,只需修改最后一个变量t。

Here in pseudo-python-code what I would like to do to traine the second NN : NNb: 在这里,我要用伪python代码训练第二个NN:NNb:



def customLossNNb(NNa,grid):
     def diff(y_true,y_pred): 
         for ii in range(y_true.shape[0]):
               currentInput=concatenation of grid and y_true[ii,0]
               #some stuff with toto
         return #...
     return diff

Then 然后


In fact the line that cause me troubles is currentInput=concatenation of grid and y_true[ii,0] 实际上,引起我麻烦的那一行是currentInput=concatenation of grid and y_true[ii,0]

I tried to send to customLossNNb the grid as a tensor with K.variable(grid) . 我试图使用K.variable(grid)将网格作为张量发送到customLossNNb。 But I can't defined a new tensor inside the loss function, something like CurrentY which has a shape (grid.shape[0],1) fill with y[ii,0] ( ie the current t) and then concatenate grid and currentY to build currentInput 但是我无法在损失函数中定义新的张量,例如CurrentY ,其形状为(grid.shape[0],1)填充y[ii,0]当前t),然后连接gridcurrentY建立currentInput

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Thanks 谢谢

You can include your custom loss function into the graph using functional API of keras. 您可以使用keras的功能API将自定义损失函数包括在图中。 The model in this case can be used as a function, something like this: 在这种情况下,该模型可以用作函数,如下所示:

for l in NNa.layers: 

Predict method will not work, since loss function should be part of the graph, and predict method returns np.array 预测方法将不起作用,因为损失函数应该是图形的一部分,并且预测方法返回np.array

First, make NNa untrainable. 首先,使NNa不可训练。 Notice that you should do this recursively if your model has inner models. 请注意,如果您的模型具有内部模型,则应递归执行此操作。

def makeUntrainable(layer):
    layer.trainable = False

    if hasattr(layer, 'layers'):
        for l in layer.layers:


Then you have two options: 然后,您有两个选择:

  • Attach NNa to the end of your model (notice that both y_true and y_pred will be changed) 将NNa附加到模型的末尾(注意y_truey_pred都将被更改)
    • Then change your targets (predict with NNa) for correct results since your model is now expecting the output of NNa, not NNb. 然后更改目标(使用NNa进行预测)以获得正确的结果,因为您的模型现在期望使用NNa而不是NNb的输出。
  • Create a custom loss function that uses NNa inside it, without changing your targets 创建一个在其中使用NNa的自定义损失函数,而无需更改目标

Option 1 - Attaching models 选项1-附加模型

inputs = NNb.inputs   
outputs = NNa(NNb.outputs) #make sure NNb is outputing 4 tensors to match NNa inputs   
fullModel = Model(inputs,outputs)

#changing the targets:
newY_train = NNa.predict(oldY_train)    

Option 2 - Creating a custom loss 选项2-创建自定义损失

Warning: please test whether NNa's weights are really frozen while training this configuration 警告:在训练此配置时,请测试NNa的重量是否真的冻结了

from keras.losses import binary_crossentropy

def customLoss(true,pred):
    true = NNa(true)
    pred = NNa(pred)

    #use some of the usual losses or create your own

NNb.compile(optimizer=anything, loss = customLoss)

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