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C#UWP-如何将Mobile Emulator连接到本地MySQL数据库?

[英]C# UWP - How to connect Mobile Emulator to a local MySQL Database?

I'm trying to connect my Emulator app to a MySQL Database i created. 我正在尝试将模拟器应用程序连接到我创建的MySQL数据库。 It works if i access the database using an app/website from the LAPTOP . 如果我使用来自LAPTOP的应用程序/网站访问数据库,那么它将起作用。 But it fails to recognize the database if i am accessing it using the EMULATOR , my guess it that it treats the Windows Emulator as an external device. 但是,如果我使用EMULATOR访问数据库,它将无法识别数据库,我猜它会将Windows Emulator视为外部设备。 I already added Port 3306 (Default MySQL Port) in the firewall exceptions, freed database privileges, and used the IP Address of the Laptop and Emulator, and still, i get the "Cannot connect to any of the specified MySQL Hosts" . 我已经在防火墙例外中添加了端口3306(默认MySQL端口),释放了数据库特权,并使用了Laptop和Emulator的IP地址,但仍然出现了“无法连接到任何指定的MySQL主机”的信息

DB Connection Code: 数据库连接代码:

private async void dbConnectAsync()
        string con = "server=;database=donation;uid=root;password=;SslMode=none;CharSet=utf8";
        MySqlConnectionStringBuilder sb = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder(con);
        using (conn = new MySqlConnection(con))
            catch (Exception err)
                var dialog2 = new MessageDialog(err.Message);
                dialog2.Title = "Connection Error";
                dialog2.Commands.Add(new UICommand { Label = "Ok", Id = 0 });
                var res = await dialog2.ShowAsync();


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