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[英]Using Array.prototype.includes to target property in an array of objects

With Array.prototype.includes you can do something like this: 使用Array.prototype.includes您可以执行以下操作:

let array1 = [1, 2, 3];

console.log(array1.includes(2)); // return true

My question is: can you use includes for an array of objects, where you want to find, say, "name" = "Jane"? 我的问题是:你可以使用includes一个对象数组,你想在哪里找到“name”=“Jane”? Take for instance the following data: 以下面的数据为例:

let array2 = [{"name" : "John", age: 24}, {"name" : "Jane", age: 36}]

Is this something you can do with the includes method - and what would it look like? 这是你可以用includes方法做的事情 - 它会是什么样子?

You can use it, but only if you have the reference to the object ( not its structural equivalent). 可以使用它,但前提是您有对象的引用( 而不是它的结构等价物)。

const o1 = { name: '1' }
const o2 = { name: '2' }
const arr = [o1, o2]
arr.includes(o1) // true
arr.includes({ name: '1' }) // false

This is because includes uses the "SameValueZero" algorithm, as per the spec (emphasis mine): 这是因为includes使用“SameValueZero”算法, 根据规范 (强调我的):

includes compares searchElement to the elements of the array, in ascending order, using the SameValueZero algorithm , and if found at any position, returns true ; includes 使用SameValueZero算法searchElementsearchElement与数组元素进行比较,如果在任何位置找到,则返回true ; otherwise, false is returned. 否则,返回false

" SameValueZero " will always return false for different references, hence the second attempt from the code above will return false . 对于不同的引用,“ SameValueZero ”将始终返回false,因此上述代码的第二次尝试将返回false

You can use Array#some instead, which lets you specify a lambda as the parameter. 您可以使用Array#some ,它允许您指定lambda作为参数。 Then you can write your custom equality logic even for objects. 然后,您甚至可以为对象编写自定义相等逻辑。

arr.some(o => o.name == '1') // true

From your comment , I see you're interested in checking against multiple values. 您的评论中 ,我发现您对检查多个值感兴趣。 You can simply use the || 你可以简单地使用|| operator with some in this case: 在这种情况下有some运算符:

arr.some(o => o.name == '1' || o.name == '2' || o.name == '3')

If you do not wish to specify all of them like this, you can do something like the following. 如果您不希望像这样指定所有这些,您可以执行以下操作。

arr.some(o => ['1', '2', '3'].includes(o.name))

In that case you could use some method instead and it will return true on first match. 在这种情况下,您可以使用some方法,它将在第一次匹配时返回true

 let array = [{"name" : "John", age: 24}, {"name" : "Jane", age: 36}] let check = array.some(({name}) => name == 'Jane'); console.log(check) 

  array.find(user => user.name === "Jane")

As objects get compared by reference, .includes doesn't help you in most cases, then you have to through all elements manually and check for equality, thats what .find does. 当对象通过引用进行比较时, .includes在大多数情况下对你没有帮助,那么你必须手动通过所有元素并检查是否相等,这就是.find所做的。 It either returns the found user or undefined . 它要么返回找到的用户,要么返回undefined If you just need a boolean use .some that works like .find but either returns true or false. 如果你只需要一个布尔使用.some就像.find一样,但要么返回true或false。

You can do this. 你可以这样做。

 let array2 = [{ "name": "John", age: 24 }, { "name": "Jane", age: 36 }] var some = array2.some((i) => { return i.name === 'Jane' }) var map = array2.map((i) => { return i.name === 'Jane' }) console.log('some', some) console.log('map', map) 

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