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[英]MVVM Subclass property binding

I have issue binding class chain my listView won't refresh data: here 我在绑定类链时遇到问题,我的listView无法刷新数据:这里

simplified code: 简化代码:

  private ObservableCollection<NewPosition> _ListPosition;
      public ObservableCollection<NewPosition> ListPosition
                        get { return _ListPosition; }

                           _ListPosition = value;


       public class NewPosition
              public int ID { get; set; }
               public PosStatus Status { get; set; }
                public Trade buyTrade { get; set; }
               public Trade SellTrade { get; set; }


       public class Trade 
                  public double DealPrice {get ; set}


now the view 现在来看

<ListView Grid.Row="1" Background="#FF232426" ItemsSource="{Binding 
     Foreground="#FFF2F3F7" Margin="0,10" FontSize="10" >
<GridViewColumn  Header="Price" Width="80" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding buyTrade.DealPrice}" />
     <GridViewColumn  Header="SellPrice" Width="80"
     DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding SellTrade.DealPrice}" />  

So whenn i first set dealprice and add it to collection it does the job and listview show value; 因此,当我第一次设置Dealprice并将其添加到集合中时,它就完成了工作,并且listview显示了价值;

 NewPosition thisPos = new NewPosition();
   var trade = new Trade()
                    DealPrice = 1000,
  thisPos.buyTrade = trade;

the problem is when i want later set NewPosition.Selltrade.Dealprice the GUI will no show change (it work in console) 问题是当我想要稍后设置NewPosition.Selltrade.Dealprice时,GUI不会显示更改(它在控制台中工作)

 pos.SellTrade = new Trade{DealPrice = 1200};

so what is the "elegante manner to implement such code? 那么“实现这种代码的优雅方式是什么?

It is because NewPosition and Trade does not implement INotifyProperyChange , like your View Model does. 这是因为NewPosition and Trade不像您的View模型那样实现INotifyProperyChange The windowing system does not compare the object values, and relies on something telling it a property has changed. 窗口系统不比较对象值,而是依靠告诉它属性已更改的信息。

For the change to be picked up, you would have to remove, and add your NewPosition again, since the ObservableCollection does notify any changes. 对于要获取的更改,您将必须删除并再次添加NewPosition,因为ObservableCollection确实会通知任何更改。

You could look at MvvmLite for a simple framework to help you. 您可以查看MvvmLite寻求帮助的简单框架。

Example using ObservableObject from MvvmLite, which implements INotifyPropertyChanged for you: 使用MvvmLite中的ObservableObject的示例,该示例为您实现INotifyPropertyChanged:

public class NewPosition : ObservableObject
    private int _id;
    public int ID {
        get => _id;
        set => Set(ref _id, value); 

    private PosStatus _status;
    public PosStatus Status {
        get => _status;
        set => Set(ref _status, value);

    private Trade _buyTrade;
    public Trade buyTrade { 
        get => _buyTrade;
        set => Set(ref _buyTrade, value);

    private Trade _sellTrade;
    public Trade SellTrade { 
        get => _sellTrade;
        set => Set(ref _sellTrade, value);

public class Trade : ObservableObject
    private double _dealPrice;
    public double DealPrice {
        get => _dealPrice;
        set => Set(ref _dealPrice, value);

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