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在MySQL DB上按目标文件夹存储多个上传

[英]Store multiple uploads by destination folder on MySQL DB

I saw a bunch of question similar to mine but not quite the same, in a way that I would have to change the way I'm currently storing the files on DB. 我看到了一堆与我的问题类似但又不完全相同的问题,以某种方式,我将不得不更改当前在DB上存储文件的方式。

I have this one form on the first file (getPic.php): 我在第一个文件(getPic.php)上有以下表格:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" action="sendPics.php">
        <font size=4 color=DarkBlue><b>Choose 5 photos of your pet:</b></font><br><br>
    <input type="file" name="file[]" multiple="multiple" /><br><br>
    <input name="send" type="submit" value="Upload photos">

And this on the other (sendPics.php) 与此相关的其他内容(sendPics.php)

$directory = "Images/";

    echo "Folder does not exist";
    $file = isset($_FILES['file']) ? $_FILES['file'] : FALSE;
    for ($control = 0; $control < count($file['name']); $control++){

        $destiny = $directory."/".$file['name'][$control];
        if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'][$control], $destiny)){
            echo "Upload successful<br>"; 
            echo "Error uploading the file";

$destiny = "/".$destiny; 

My table in MySQL looks like this: 我在MySQL中的表如下所示:

Field           | Type       
 idPetsPics     | int(11)    
 linkProfilePic | varchar(60)
 linkPhoto1     | varchar(60)
 linkPhoto2     | varchar(60)
 linkPhoto3     | varchar(60)
 linkPhoto4     | varchar(60)
 Pet_idPet      | int(11)      //(FK with PetsID on Pet's table)

So I need to store the path of the pics uploaded. 因此,我需要存储上传照片的路径。 Currently I'm only able to store the first one on the DB, though all the 5 pics gets to the destination folder successfully. 目前,我只能将第一个存储在DB上,尽管所有5张照片都已成功到达目标文件夹。 For now I have: 现在,我有:

$petID = $_SESSION['petID']; // obtained from a third file (queries to insert date into Pet)

$insertPetPic = "INSERT INTO petPic (idPetsPics, linkProfilePic, Pet_idPet) VALUES (NULL, '$destiny', $petID[0])";
mysqli_query($conn, $insertFotoPet);

How can I change my code to store all the 5 paths? 如何更改代码以存储所有5条路径?

For each image that was moved successfully, you need to store the path to the image somewhere, for example in a $paths array: 对于成功移动的每个图像,您需要将图像的路径存储在某个位置,例如在$paths数组中:

$directory = "Images/";
$paths = array();

    echo "Folder does not exist";
    $file = isset($_FILES['file']) ? $_FILES['file'] : FALSE;
    for ($control = 0; $control < count($file['name']); $control++){

        $destiny = $directory."/".$file['name'][$control];
        if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'][$control], $destiny)){
            $paths[] = $destiny;
            echo "Upload successful<br>"; 
            echo "Error uploading the file";

And then in your query you use the paths from the array: 然后在查询中使用数组中的路径:

$insertPetPic = "INSERT INTO petPic (idPetsPics, linkProfilePic, linkPhoto1, linkPhoto2, linkPhoto3, linkPhoto4, Pet_idPet) VALUES (NULL, '$paths[0]', '$paths[1]', '$paths[2]', '$paths[3]', '$paths[4]', $petID[0])";

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