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Angular - 将目标添加到路由器导航

[英]Angular - Add target to router navigate

What I want to do is to open the target of router navigate in another tab or in a popup.我想要做的是在另一个选项卡或弹出窗口中打开路由器导航的目标。 My instruction is this:我的指示是这样的:

private router: Router;
this.router.navigate(['/page', id]);

In routing I have:在路由我有:

 const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: LayoutComponent,
    children: [
        { path: 'page', loadChildren: './page/page.module#PageModule' }

I would like to open this link in another tab or in popup window.我想在另一个选项卡或弹出窗口中打开此链接。 What can I do?我能做什么?

this is the code of page.ts这是page.ts的代码

 selector: 'app-etichetta',
 templateUrl: './page.component.html',
 styleUrls: ['./page.component.scss'],
 animations: [routerTransition()]
export class PageComponent implements OnInit {

 constructor(private router: Router,
    private route: ActivatedRoute,
    public appService: AppService) {

 ngOnInit() {


and this is the html:这是 html:

<div [@routerTransition]>
  <div class="row">


To redirect manually you should first create an URL where to redirect using createUrlTree method, and then redirect.要手动重定向,您应该首先使用createUrlTree方法创建一个重定向的 URL,然后重定向。

const url = this.router.createUrlTree(['/page', id])
window.open(url.toString(), '_blank')

Declarative navigation should work.声明式导航应该有效。

<a target="_blank" [routerLink]="['/page', id]">

Angular 不支持导航到新选项卡,您可以使用 window.open 来执行此操作

window.open(url, '_blank');

在角度组件 html 文件中使用它

<a class="btn btn-primary" target="_blank" routerLink="/create-playlist" > Create Playlist </a>

The router doesn't have an option to open the link in a new tab.路由器没有在新选项卡中打开链接的选项。 That said, there is a workaround – you can use target="_blank" of a hidden link in your template, reference it and click it:也就是说,有一个解决方法 - 您可以在模板中使用隐藏链接的target="_blank" ,引用它并单击它:

<a #link
  style="visibility: hidden; display: none;" 
  [routerLink]="['/page', id]"

@ViewChild('link', { static: false }) private link: ElementRef;

import { Location } from '@angular/common';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';

export class YourComponent {

   constructor(private router: Router){}

   openNewTab (){
           const host: string =  location.origin;
           const url: string = host + '/#/' + String(this.router.createUrlTree(['/main/product'], { queryParams: { key: encryptData } }));
           window.open(url, '_blank');


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