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安装程序在ubuntu上安装Qt和Qt Creator时崩溃

[英]Installer crashes installing qt and qt creator on ubuntu

I'm attempting to install Qt 5.11.2 and Qt creator through the .run installer found on their website. 我正在尝试通过在其网站上找到的.run安装程序来安装Qt 5.11.2和Qt Creator。

I can get through the installer just fine, but when the installer finishes downloading and starts installing to my filesystem it always hangs at the exact same point. 我可以顺利通过安装程序,但是当安装程序完成下载并开始安装到我的文件系统时,它总是挂在同一点。

Specifically, when its writing /Qt5.11.2/Src/qtwebengine portions. 具体来说,当其编写/Qt5.11.2/Src/qtwebengine部分时。 However I don't believe this is the issue because even if I uncheck the box for web engine before installing it still crashes at a specific point somewhere else. 但是,我不认为这是问题所在,因为即使我在安装前取消选中了Web引擎复选框,它仍然会在其他地方的特定位置崩溃。 Ubuntu gives me the option to force close every time, I have waited to make sure it doesn't come back but it never does. Ubuntu为我提供了每次强制关闭的选项,我一直在等待确保它不会回来,但它永远不会关闭。

Can anyone offer any help? 谁能提供任何帮助? I'm not sure if maybe i'm missing some dependencies the installer needs or there's just something wrong with Qt's installer? 我不确定是否缺少安装程序所需的某些依赖关系,或者Qt的安装程序存在问题?

Thanks. 谢谢。


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