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[英]MongoDB - Find and return all the items of an array in each document

so I have this system where users can input tags, but i want to add suggestions/auto-complete with dynamic data from all the previous tags in the database. 所以我有一个用户可以在其中输入标签的系统,但是我想添加来自数据库中所有先前标签的动态数据的建议/自动完成功能。

Here's what the data looks like: 数据如下所示:

    collection = [
        title: "Avengers",
        tags:["si-fi", "powers", "super-heroes", "iron-man"],
        title: "Lego Movie"
        tags:["spider-man", "bottle", "man of steel"],

So I want to retreive an array of all the tags that match a search string. 因此,我想检索所有与搜索字符串匹配的标签的数组。

For example, if I search with 'man' , I want the data returned to be: 例如,如果我搜索'man' ,我希望返回的数据为:

  "man of steel"

I think it cannot be done by direct querying. 我认为无法通过直接查询来完成。 The following aggregation can do, 以下聚合可以做到,

        $unwind: '$tags'
    }, {
        $match: {
            'tags': { $regex: 'man' }
    }, {
        $group: {
            _id: null,
            tags: { '$addToSet': '$tags' }

Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

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