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在C#ASP.NET Web表单中为用户分配角色

[英]Assigning Roles to Users in C# ASP.NET Web Forms

I can't seem to get authorization to work in web.config for user authentication. 我似乎无法获得在web.config中进行用户身份验证的授权。

I have this in web.config and I tried to do authentication using 我在web.config中有这个,我尝试使用

    <allow roles="Admin" />
    <deny users="*" />  

and this how i get authentication 这就是我如何获得身份验证


Where do I assign Admin to the user so that it is recognized in the web config? 我应在哪里将管理员分配给用户,以便在Web配置中识别它?

Well whatever you are using is right but half of the code 好吧,无论您使用什么,都是正确的,但是一半的代码

<forms loginUrl="Login.aspx">
<location path="HRpages">
      <allow roles="HR" />
      <deny users="*" />

These two are also to be included in webconfig for more info refer to this 这两个也将包含在webconfig中以获取更多信息,请参考此


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