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AngularJS 使用 ng-repeat 显示表格中刚刚过滤的项目

[英]AngularJS Show just filtered Items in table with ng-repeat

Is possible to hide the result of this table and just show the filtered result?是否可以隐藏此表的结果而只显示过滤后的结果?

<table class="table table-responsive"
    <thead class="thead-inverse">
            <th><input type="checkbox" value="selected"
            <th ng-if="isPathwayLead">Action</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="s in searchData.students

By default the page load a list of students like this默认情况下,页面会加载这样的学生列表

[![enter image description here][1]][1] [![在此处输入图像描述][1]][1]

I would like to hide this list and just show the result of the filter above!我想隐藏这个列表,只显示上面过滤器的结果! is that possible?那可能吗?

Student row学生排

<tr ng-class="{awesome:s.selected}">
<td><input name="checker" type="checkbox" value="selected" ng-model="s.selected"></td>
<td><a class="clickableAwesomeFont" ng-click="toStudent(s.sid)">{{s.sid}}</a></td>
<td>{{s.lastName.trim() + ', ' + s.firstName}}</td>
<td>{{s.pathwayName + (s.subPathwayName ? ', ' + s.subPathwayName : '')}}</td>
<td ng-if="isPathwayLead"><span class="card-title fa fa-pencil-square-o pull-right clickableAwesomeFont" ng-click="popupReviewForm(s)"></span></td>


    <div style="padding-top:100px;" id="mid_container" class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
                <label for="search-term">Search</label>
                <input id="search-term" type="text" ng- 
          keyup="$event.keyCode == 13 && commenceSearch()" ng- 
                       class="form-control" placeholder="Name or SID" 
                <label for="pathway_dd">Pathway</label>
                <select id="pathway_dd" class="form-control custom" ng- 
          change=onPathwayChange() ng-options="p.id as p.name for p in 
                    <option value="">Select Pathway</option>
                <label for="subPathway_dd">Area of Interest</label>
                <select id="subPathway_dd" class="form-control custom" ng- 
        options="sp.id as sp.name for sp in subPathways" ng- 
                    <option value="">Select Area of Interest</option>
            <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
                <label for="advisor_dd">Advisor</label>
                <select id="advisor_dd" class="form-control custom" ng- 
                    <option value="">Select Advisor</option>
                    <option value="noadvisor">No Advisor</option>
                    <option ng-repeat="a in advisors| orderBy:'lastName'" 
            value="{{a.sid}}">{{a.lastName + ', ' + a.firstName}}</option>
                <label for="credit-select">Credits</label>
                <select id="credit-select" class="form-control custom" ng- 
          model="searchModel.creditID" value="c.id" ng-options="c.id as 
          c.text for c in credits" />
                <label for="campus_dd">Campus</label>
                <select id="campus_dd" class="form-control custom" ng- 
                    <option value="">Select Campus</option>
                    <option ng-repeat="b in branches" value=" 
            <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
                <div class="checkbox">
                        <input ng-model="searchModel.isEnrolled" 
                <div class="checkbox">
                        <input ng-model="searchModel.isMandatory" 
                <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block" ng- 
     click="commenceSearch()"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search" 
     title="Apply Search Filters" />&nbsp;Search</button><br />
                <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ng-

        click="clearSearch()"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh" 
        title="Reset Search Filters" />&nbsp;Reset</button>
                <!--<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ng- 
        click="toggleFilter()"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" 
          title="Close Search Filter Panel" />&nbsp;Close</button>-->

Basically just want to know if i can use ng-Show just to show filtered results and hide the rest without having to changes a lot of everything基本上只是想知道我是否可以使用 ng-Show 来显示过滤结果并隐藏其余部分而不必更改很多内容

I am sharing the way I normally do where there's a need for searching among the grid list.我正在分享我通常在需要在网格列表中进行搜索的方式。 I normally, take one input as a search term and search the entire list with the help of $filter in my watcher and if it matches with any key of the particular object, update the grid list instantly with the new filtered list.我通常将一个输入作为search term并在我的watcher$filter帮助下搜索整个列表,如果它与特定对象的任何键匹配,立即使用新的过滤列表更新网格列表。

I don't recommend copy pasting the code since I am using many custom directives and material design.我不建议复制粘贴代码,因为我使用了许多自定义指令和材料设计。 But you can get the main idea how can you do it.但是你可以得到主要的想法,你怎么能做到这一点。

<md-toolbar style="background-color:#F57C00 !important;"
    <div class="md-toolbar-tools">
    <md-input-container class="md-block" flex-gt-sm>
        <md-icon style="color:white">search</md-icon>
        <input type="text" ng-model="searchPhrase" style="color:white" name="searchPhrase">
    <md-button ng-click="resetFilter()" class="md-icon-button">
        <md-tooltip style="background-color:lightgray;color:black" md-direction="top">close</md-tooltip>

in my controller I write the watcher as :在我的控制器中,我将观察者写为:

$scope.$watch('searchPhrase', function (keyword) {
    if (keyword!= null && keyword!= '' && keyword!= undefined)
        $scope.gridList = ($filter('filter')($scope.actualGridList, keyword)); 

    // incase keyword was empty, change the list back to original
        $scope.gridList = angular.copy($scope.actualGridList);

//incase reset button was pressed, change the list back to original
$scope.resetFilter = function () {
    $scope.showSearch = false;
    $scope.searchPhrase = '';
    $scope.gridList = angular.copy($scope.actualGridList);

Note that:注意:

I am using gridlist as the ng-repeat list and not the actualGridList , in this way I will have the original list unmodified and gridList will be reflected back to what the original list is through my resetFilter()我使用gridlist作为ng-repeat列表而不是actualGridList ,这样我将保持原始列表未修改, gridList将通过我的resetFilter()反映回原始列表

If you want to filter the searchData.students based on many keywords, you can filter the list based on those keys, something similar to:如果要根据多个关键字过滤searchData.students ,可以根据这些关键字过滤列表,类似于:

$scope.copStudents = $filter('filter')($scope.searchData.students, 
    { 'name': keyword }, true);

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