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使用Windows Server 2016/9的认证测试工具

[英]Using Certification Test Tool for Windows Server 2016/9

Unlike the test tool for Windows 10, which is part of the Windows 10 SDK, Microsoft went out of their way to make the certification tool for Windows Server 2016 complicated. 与Windows 10 SDK的一部分Windows 10的测试工具不同,Microsoft竭尽全力使Windows Server 2016的认证工具变得复杂。

用于Windows Server 2016的复杂且漏洞百出的Microsoft认证测试预览工具

I installed my test application and specified the path to the Inno Setup installer, off the Downloads folder, and specified the location of the binary files, namely the Program Files location, and the screen shown, I specified the process name, basically the executable file name. 我安装了测试应用程序,并从下载文件夹中指定了Inno Setup安装程序的路径,并指定了二进制文件的位置,即“程序文件”位置,并显示了屏幕,我指定了进程名称,基本上是可执行文件名称。 At least System Internal's Process Monitor utility said that was the name. 至少System Internal的Process Monitor实用程序说的就是这个名字。

As you can see, I got thrown an error. 如您所见,我抛出了一个错误。

Log Time: 12/04/2018 08:57:21
MethodName:: ApplicationRunningViewModel.VerifyApplication
No running application's process found after your application installation.

Log Time: 12/04/2018 08:57:58
MethodName:: ApplicationRunningViewModel.VerifyAppProcess
Process not found in snapshot file.


How do I resolve the error? 我该如何解决错误? Basically, how is the steps to use this test tool? 基本上,如何使用此测试工具?

Background: I had previously certified my application for Windows 10 in the Windows Platform Ready / Winqual area of Microsoft and obtained the Microsoft Gold Application Development competency. 背景:我之前已经在Microsoft的Windows Platform Ready / Winqual区域中认证了适用于Windows 10的应用程序,并获得了Microsoft金牌应用程序开发能力。

I was expecting to simply pay the yearly extortion fee, $5400, when I logged into the portal, saw the new redesigned Partner Center, and went to the Competency Summary section, where I saw the message that I am in danger to lose the competency. 当我登录门户网站,看到重新设计的新合作伙伴中心并转到“能力摘要”部分时,我希望能简单地支付每年勒索费5400美元,在那里我看到了一条信息,说我有失去能力的危险。 Microsoft apparently did away application certification based competencies for Application Development. 微软显然取消了基于应用程序认证的应用程序开发能力。 Talking to MS external support, I was told what I already saw on my own that the Silver ISV is the only path forward testing against Windows Server 2016. My attempts to talk to a real Microsoft employee or find a real solution failed miserably. 与MS外部支持交谈时,我被告知自己已经看到,Silver ISV是针对Windows Server 2016进行测试的唯一途径。我与真正的Microsoft员工交谈或寻找真正的解决方案的尝试都以失败告终。 I think talking to Google is easier. 我认为与Google交流会更轻松。 I hope that MS straightens things out for next year. 我希望MS能够为明年解决问题。 By the way, the Platform Ready / WinQual area disappeared as well as all certifications. 顺便说一句,平台就绪/ WinQual区域以及所有认证都消失了。

That brings me to my question. 这使我想到了我的问题。 I am trying to use the Windows Server 2016 test tool (2019 was not available last week for download, hence 2016). 我正在尝试使用Windows Server 2016测试工具(上周无法下载2019,因此不是2016)。

I already installed the application. 我已经安装了该应用程序。 It works fine on Windows Server 2016, just Microsoft did not make application verification easy. 它在Windows Server 2016上运行良好,只是Microsoft并未简化应用程序验证。

How do I resolve this error? 如何解决此错误? What piece of information does it want and how do I obtain it? 它需要什么信息,如何获得?

I found the same error while testing my application using the Certification Test Tool 1.0 for Windows Server for Windows Server 2019. I just changed the sequence of the test. 在使用Windows Server 2019的Windows Server认证测试工具1.0测试应用程序时,我发现了相同的错误。我只是更改了测试顺序。 I did launch the tool and then installed my application. 我确实启动了该工具,然后安装了我的应用程序。 If you cancel the test your application must be reinstalled in order for the test tool to recognize your process. 如果取消测试,则必须重新安装应用程序,以便测试工具识别您的过程。 Everything worked as expected 一切都按预期进行

I got another error while using the Certification Test Tool Preview for Windows Server 2016 . 使用Windows Server 2016认证测试工具预览版时出现另一个错误。 He couldn't validate my signed assemblies because the tool verify the aseemblies signature usign the signtool.exe instead of sn.exe. 他无法验证我的签名程序集,因为该工具使用signtool.exe而不是sn.exe来验证系统签名。 If you signed your assemblies using the sn.exe, neither of the test tools for Windows server 2016 & 2019 will validate your signed assemblies. 如果您使用sn.exe对程序集进行签名,则Windows Server 2016和2019的测试工具均不会验证您签名的程序集。 I had to check the log file generated by the test tool and sign the assemblies manually using the signtool.exe. 我必须检查测试工具生成的日志文件,并使用signtool.exe手动对程序集进行签名。

I hope this information help someone havign the same issues. 我希望这些信息可以帮助其他人解决相同的问题。 Greetings 问候

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