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[英]Angular Directive input is not being set

I just cant find this issue here... 我只是在这里找不到这个问题...

The directive: 指令:

  selector: '[appListData]'
export class ListDataDirective implements OnInit {

  @Input('data') data: object;
  @Input('layout') layout: string;

  templateUrl: string;

  constructor(private el: ElementRef) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {


    this.templateUrl = 'list-data-layouts/list.html';

    if (this.layout === 'grid') {
      this.templateUrl = 'list-data-layouts/grid.html';
    } else if (this.layout === 'list') {
      this.templateUrl = 'list-data-layouts/list.html';


The template 模板

<div appListData [data]=employees [layout]="grid"></div>

The log outputs : the layout is undefined - WHY? 日志输出:布局未定义-为什么?


I am also not sure how to load the external template files in my div. 我也不确定如何在div中加载外部模板文件。 thanks. 谢谢。


Per suggestions, doing the following prints out both inputs, I will stick with the second one moving forward. 根据建议,执行以下操作将打印出两个输入,我将坚持第二个输入。 @nkuma_12 answer explains how it's looking for the grid property in the component's class which made sense - as eventually there will be a button changing a layout variable. @ nkuma_12的答案说明了如何在组件的类中查找grid属性,这很有意义-最终将有一个按钮可以更改布局变量。

<div appListData [data]=employees layout="grid"></div> 
<div appListData [data]=employees [layout]="'grid'"></div>

I have been reading the documentation here on structural directives - nothing helped me out there. 我一直在这里阅读有关结构指令的文档-那里没有任何帮助。 https://angular.io/guide/structural-directives#write-a-structural-directive https://angular.io/guide/structural-directives#write-a-structural-directive

Since you are using 由于您正在使用

  @Input('layout') layout: string;

in directives. 在指令中。

When passing input , i see you are passing [layout]="grid"></div> which makes it look for grid variable in your component where it's used and gets undefined . 传递输入时,我看到您传递的是[layout]="grid"></div> ,这使它在使用它的组件中寻找并不undefined grid变量。

You should pass value grid in single quotes: [layout]="'grid'"></div> 您应该在单引号中传递值网格: [layout]="'grid'"></div>

Also your data input value should be in double quotes: [data]="employees" . 同样,您的数据输入值也应该用双引号引起来: [data]="employees" Please check documentation for more details. 请检查文档以获取更多详细信息。

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